CHAPTER 9: Karma Is A Bitch

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CHAPTER 9: Karma Is A Bitch


"Karma is a bitch," Bryan would say, and I couldn't agree more. Except for the B-word part, that is.

The day went worse at it passed by me: first, I was caught cheating-now I kinda understand why "cheaters never win," and this time, I admit I cheated.

It went like this: I've been on a relief ever since my girlfriend, Amanda, wasn't in my History class, so I got the time for myself to think. The biggest mistake I have ever made was not review for a graded oral recitation on the next day (as if I ever review whenever there's a quiz or recitation), and desperate calls for desperate measures when our teacher announced that this recitation can end in two different scenarios: either we nailed our answers and get a perfect score or none at all and be marked as absent for her class.

That's just how strict and brutal teachers are in Clementi Redhill HS. This High School doesn't have any chill-just like my 'lil bro.

Since we're 35 in our section and the recitation is in alphabetical order, I got time to sneak up in my notes and book. But nothing really comes inside my head. No matter how hard I glared at the words that never really seep in. And when it was my turn, I suddenly regretted not reviewing last night. I should've asked my brother's help. I was asked by Ms. Patterson to stand up and enumerate the things Abraham Lincoln contributed to our country.

My mind was blank. My heart was beating drums in my chest that blood flowed into my ears and I couldn't hear anything.

Wait, who was he, again?

Oh yeah, I suddenly remembered. He was a President! I suppress the urge to slap myself right now.

Calm down, Brandon. Inhale . . . exhale . . .

Okay, I sorta calmed down a bit.

But I forgot the things he had done. My heart was pumping again, but this time it went faster and I can feel the cages of my ribs shatter as it drummed hard into my chest.

I looked down, hanging my head in shame, but then remembered that I had my book open. And what do you know! It was on the page that read The History of Mr. Abraham Lincoln and His Contributions.

I smirked suddenly. I read the lines, clear. I pretended I'm taking my time thinking before raising my head high, confident this time. I memorized each line, and recited them like a robot.

Right when I was finishing, I held my head down, forgetting the last three and took a stealthy peek at the lines and when I bring my eyes to meet Ms. Patterson's sassy eyes, a hand was raised on my right side.

"Ms. Patterson, I think Brandon is cheating! He has an open book. Come see." Victoria said as loud as she could with that stupid girly grin plastered on her face as if taunting me, testing me.

I was going to deny it but it was futile since I stutter and laugh awkwardly when I lie. I was caught.

Worse part is that it gave more credits to Victoria for catching me cheat.

And then came the game. Right after a very humiliating chat with our dearest and disappointed principal, Mrs.-I mean, Ms. Jones, I went straight for the football field to put Darren's childish dare into a rest and get this . . . crap . . . over with.

I wasn't expecting a booming moral support from Amanda, but I was starting to get too concerned because I'm feeling she's becoming over-protective of me ever since that locker scene. She keeps an eye on me like a hawk, as if I'm going to secretly meeting with someone any minute now.

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