CHAPTER 8: The Gossips Spread

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CHAPTER 8: The Gossips Spread


"I'm gonna kill her." I said.

Lilly Anders—as in the girl that has hated me ever since I laid a foot in this Academy. As in the girl that I just had an amazing duet with. As in the bitch that has the nerve to challenge me yet again.

Of-fucking-course she has been plotting a movement against me! That's why she was looking smug and confident awhile ago: because she's the one responsible for this campaign.

She wants to be PAM's New President.

Maybe she was the one responsible for posting those obscene gossips as well! For all I know, she was Incognito all along!

Wow. So she made me a fool—and I fell into her trap. Smart bitch she is, yes, though unfortunately, that didn't last.

"No, sir, wait, sir, Mr. President, sir." Jerry gasped. He gulped hard when my blazing eyes broke into his soul. "There must be fair trail, of course, sir. Impeachment takes time, Mr. President, sir . . . and you can win your position back, sir."

"Your secretary's right." Karen agreed and Jerry awkwardly smiled at her, flashing his collection of metal braces and flushed bright red. "We can change the students' minds."

"How?" I desperately asked and I shrank back at my hard chair with a grunt. "They all hate me!"

"Maybe is not too late yet—maybe you could turn their hate into love! People are sensitive, and they're looking for a leader who can understand them but be strict with them at the same time, sensible strictness than fear and authority." Karen explained. "People wanted someone who is someone like them! Show them you are all the same. There is neither superior nor inferior; equality."

Wow, she should've been Vice-President yet she was the PRO.

"'Ya know what they say," Nikki interjected, slurping on her purple lollipop, "'Birds with the same feather . . ." she thought for a moment, remembering the quote hard, ". . . are the same birds.'"

I ignored Nikki. "B-But I'm caring! I'm lovable!"

Karen looked at me hard, thinking of the right word for a moment. "Not . . . quite."

"What do you mean—"

"You can be feisty most of the time," Mr. Principal's deep voice suddenly boomed, "but we all know you've helped this academy all the way. And we are willing to help you, so calm down."


"Okay," he exhaled. "Since there will be a fair 'trial' for the impeachment, then I may suggest—"

"How about a speech?" I suggested. "I'm good with speeches!"

Everyone exploded with agreement at our Principal. He nodded back. "Alright, alright! Then a speech there will be. But people are expecting a Presidential debate going to happen—"

"Debate!" I panicked. "When?"

"We still don't know yet. But," he stressed, "that won't happen if you did something about those Tumblr posts, Bryan. Students want you out because you can't shut down the Page nor find out the person behind them . . . and they all blame it on your irresponsibility. So all you have to do is reassure them through this speech."

That will be easy. I hope.

"Convince them why you should still be the defending President after all these years—"

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