CHAPTER 20: The Twin Bean Café

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Happy New Year! Today is January 2, 2019 and it's been a fucking month since I've updated. Here it is! Sorry for the long wait!  Thank you for your patience as always. I love you all!

CHAPTER 20: The Twin Bean Café


As usual, I woke up earlier than my brother. So at five in the morning, me and Beetch left the big house to jog.

The cool autumn breeze fans my face. We took a five-minute warm-up walk before breaking to a jog. Fall has got to be my favorite season. Nothing was too hot or cold and it was just perfect. The beautiful orange leaves that caked the pavement were so aesthetic that my little gal and I needed to stop to just take a million selfies for my Instagram posts later.

We had a long lap around three blocks and Beetch was already tired, but she was happy. I made this a routine of ours: every weekend, she and I are going for a morning run because we both needed our time to think and just get out of the house. She misses me every day when I'm at school and we take this as our quality time together.

I took the white towel from my shoulder and wiped off the cold sweat clinging on my face. We stopped for a second to take a breather. Her wagging tail and tongue stuck out was all I needed to know she has enjoyed our 30-minute run.

Beetch wants to run more but I figured we should take a break to just relax a bit. Even though she's still a year old pup, she was already active and growing fast. Wanting to chase me, Beetch gallops for my feet as I made a run towards the park where we can rest for a while.

I took a swig from my bottle, making sure Beetch gets too right after. Realizing she wanted to play more, I set her down so she could roll and munch on the orange leaves she has been ogling for the past two minutes now.

I contemplated the events of this past week—a month now, actually. This switching thing should've only been a day long, but a day turned into a week! And then weeks—until it became the whole month of October. It was my own doing anyways. I stayed long enough to get to know the social life of my big brother.

Funny to think that I've been with him ever since we were zygotes until now and yet there are still mysteries left to be solved. I guess there are some secrets even the ones you love shouldn't know if you know what's best for them. Secrets even yourself couldn't handle. But my nosy-ass self is itching to know!

Well, good thing I've improved Brandon's grades. I made sure to not perfect his quizzes and exams since the faculty is starting to get suspicious of me. So I forced my perfectionist ass to make some errors in my work as Brandon. I also recited more, making the teachers happy of Brandon's participation. No matter how petty I am, I made a lot of effort to shut it with teachers and some students, since it'll only make the situation worse.

Regarding his football shit, I keep myself as focused as I can. Even if it's so boring, I trained those meat-for-brains motherfuckers to hell. We worked out a lot, we spend time watching football games and learning techniques, strategizing the plan for this Winter Games, and actually practicing. Well, I wasn't practicing since I'm the boss. I made them play a gazillion times while I work on the script for my upcoming Musical at PAM. It wasn't fun but at least I'm productive.

I'm concerned about Darren Robinson, though. He's making his absence like a habit and it's ruining the team plan. He just comes by to practice when he's in the mood. Sometimes we scream at each other, but other times he's painfully nice and in high spirits. I made a mental note to visit him sometime. Maybe talk straight with him to settle his personal issues and get his head on the game.

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