CHAPTER 16: The Girlfriend

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CHAPTER 16: The Girlfriend


Surprisingly enough, I was able to hold my tongue just as planned. Thank god.

I almost wanted to bite back when somebody bumps me in the hallways or says something rude to me or when this dumb bitch-of-a-teacher was shouting at me for some odd reason I can't say. But I stayed like a good boy I am.

I guess they thought that since Brandon was known to be a nice kid, they're taking advantage of it. I bet even his fucking team of football meatheads was ignoring Brandon's every command. I can already tell even when it's just my first day in this pungent public school of morons. Had it not for me being strict with my bullhorn, they wouldn't have follow my orders.

Fear controls everyone. That's what I have learned in PAM.

It has been 2 hours since I retook Brandon's failed exams using this illegal paper of an "excuse letter." Meh, his exams weren't hard. It was simply child's play. I yawned, remembering how easy the exams were. Can public schools get easier than this shit? I swear their lessons and exams are like so basic anyone from the 5th Grade can answer it without batting an eye. I still wonder what my brother saw in this school for dumbos.

I'm so proud that I have studied in a private school since our lessons were far more advanced than this pigsty.

I finished Math, English, Science, French, Spanish, and American History in less than 2 hours and 10 minutes. What can I say? A child prodigy will always be on top. I'm seriously questioning why God gave all the intelligence and virtues to me and not save some for the morons in this world who might need it.

But I guess being nice of my brother has its perks. One, this magical paper to retake all his failed exams that was given from the principal out of her favoritism towards Brandon (he admits), and two, girls were even swooping head-over-heels for me. Their amount of love and attention-seeking raised my self-esteem. More than I can ever receive at PAM.

Maybe being Brandon isn't bad after all. My fans of admirers may mostly be full of fugly bitches, but it wouldn't hurt to entertain them and then ignoring them right after.

God, I feel so famous than before. I didn't like this.

I loved it!

As I'm currently walking peacefully on the halls of the school, Brandon interrupted me by calling on the phone. He's facing the biggest dilemma right now. I almost drop the books and review papers that I am gripping out of shock.

"What do you mean 'Debate'?" I demanded, slowing my pace. Good thing I'm already in front of Brandon's locker. I did my business as usual, replaced the books that I didn't need for the next class.

"Um, you see," he started, voice starting to get hoarse when he's nervous.

He started to explain stuff, starting from the auditions which he awfully hosted and judged, by the sounds of it, up to this Impeachment Debate thing with that fucking Lilly Anders. For some reason, I didn't cut him off. I listen intently while digging through his locker. I noticed that there's a new note that was in a mini-blue envelope. In front were the words encrypted HEART. My nose scrunches at the sight of it. I feel something terrible at the pit of my stomach but dunno what exactly.

I shrugged, putting the piece of envelope in my pocket.

". . . I know I might make this situation worse," he continues after explaining, "but please don't take revenge on me by making my life there difficult when I get back."

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