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Thanks for reading TSB!

If it's okay with you, I would now want to know your reactions and hear your sincere feedback regarding this draft because I always care what my readers think. Since I'm planning on publishing this book to be sold in the future, your feedback will help me improve my writing and this book a lot!

All comments, suggestions, and constructive criticisms are welcome! I appreciate you guys very much and your views concerning this book mean so much to me.

Here are some guide questions, but if you have your own written review, that will do too!

1. Describe your experience reading TSB in three words.

2. What is/are your favorite scene/s or chapter/s?

3. In contrast, are there any scenes that made you feel upset about? If there is/are please do specify how and why?

4. Are there any filler scenes/chapters (or subplot) you like/don't like?

5. Top 3 favorite characters? (The first being your most favorite—and if you can explain why, that would be awesome!)

6. Top 3 hated/disliked characters? (The first being your most hated/disliked—and if you can explain why, that will be so much helpful!)

7. Most relatable character for you? What makes you relate to him/her?

8. Any favorite OTPs or #ships?

9. Most shocking plot twist? (And is there a plot twist that you easily predicted?)

10. How was the pacing of the narrative? Too fast? Too slow? Just right?

11. In which part of the story did you say to yourself, "Finally! The real story begins!"

12. How are the flow of words? Were they very formal, normal, easy, or complex to understand as a reader?

13. In relation, can you easily distinguish if it's Bryan or Brandon speaking/narrating?

14. What about the song choices and their lyrics added into the narrative? Were the lyrics effective or were they too distracting/bothersome? Or do you just tend to skip them?

15. Were the climaxes very satisfying or anticlimactic? Why/Why not?

16. Any quotes from this book that you liked/loved/resonated with you/struck you the most?

17. If you can rate this story like it's on Goodreads—with 5 stars being the highest and 1 being the lowest—how many stars will you give TSB overall despite this being just its FIRST DRAFT? And why?

18. Anything you would like to say to the author?

Thanks for answering! Here, have a cookie!

If you have any personal questions, you can leave me a comment or private message me! If you want me to respond quicker, you can tweet me @johnerzulueta.

Again, thank you and have an awesome day! Cheers!

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