CHAPTER 30: The Ultimatum

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CHAPTER 30: The Ultimatum


If you think love's the only thing that can make your heart skip a beat, you're wrong. I was busy handling some urgent papers in the library when Violet charged at my table.

"Incognito leaked your diary," Violet hissed, bending down.

I really think I will go under cardiac arrest any second. "You're bullshitting me."

My eyes fly to the students I share a table with and they hurriedly collected their things and went. I closed my laptop and gave her my full attention.

"I'm not!" She opens up her phone and lets me read the entry on the screen. "Look! This entry's from August 2013 and you said, 'Fan Arts make every art look gayer than the last. Fuck my life.' This got a lot of reposts."

The sounds of notification alerting the other students with their respective phones made my pulse run eight miles per hour. They all checked their devices, took a quick glance at me, then either smirk or shake their heads and whisper shit on their seatmate.

"You also wrote here that Kennedy Rambo had Chlamydia? What the fuck were you writing in there?" Violet said aghast as she scroll through her phone, horrifically interested. "And how did you even know that Pressie Kinderman was pregnant when she—oh, she told you, you wrote here... Wow. This is a mess."

My hands curled to fists. If it wasn't for Violet's reassuring hand, I would've crumpled the papers I was working on.

My jaw clenched. "How did this happen, Vi?" How the fuck did Incognito get a hold of my precious journal?!

"Beats me. You have some explaining to do! Javier—"

Then Nikki barges in, making me jump. It's the cue for the people in the library to scram before they see me stand and take out my bullhorn.

"OH-MY-GOOOOOOOD!" Nikki shirked with hysteric arms around the air.

The Librarian gave her the loudest "SHHHHHH!" and Nikki covered her mouth and giggled.

"Whoops, sorry! I, like, meant: oh-my-gooooood!" she said with the same hysteric arm movement, but whisper-shout it this time. "Like, you won't, like, believe this! Your diary was, like, exposed to basically, like, the world or something!"

"For the last time," I said, irritated, "it's a journal, not a fucking diary!"

"Bryan"—Violet places a hand on my shoulder—"it's a diary if you put a lock on it."

My eyes narrowed at her. "How did you know—"

"OH, JERRY!" Nikki shrieks in excitement.

A sweaty, heaving Asian entered the library. "S-Sir—"

I held up my hand and opened back my laptop in panic but still kept my cool façade. Too late, Jerry. This sentence was the first to greet me at the site:


Come one, come all! Witness the ringleader of tyranny and dictatorship reveal his true colors! I am honored to announce that this man is a fraud—not an animal, but a clown at his own carnival of followers.

Oh, you thought this was over? I'm actually just getting started. Pull the curtains. Let the shit show begin. #CancelBryanSavage

Pictures upon pictures from pages in my journal start erupting in its thread, each having haphazard amounts of likes and reposts. Some commented on either how rude I was being both personal and in paper, and horrifically right I was at some points.

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