6 Months Later

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Your (p/o/v)

Well hello again, it's been a while since we last saw each other so let me get you up to speed with everything. I have met a few of the elders, including Wyatt's dad. I have now gotten the hang of being Alpha, with some help of course. Balancing school and alpha duties isn't a stroll in the woods you know. Now I know how ben feels. Speaking of ben he and mal have settled in nicely as king and queen of all of Auradon. With Evie well her business has taken off. She now get orders from international places and finally got her own castle with Doug. Jay and Lonnie have been working together to bring equality to Auradon, girls are now allowed to play any sport and guys can now join the cheer squad. He always calls me to make sure I'm okay. With Carlos, he has gone to vet school and I can't say much about that. He's been doing pretty well if you ask me. With Ryan, he's now dating Gina, who would have thought. We all made sure to talk to each other so none of us would go mentally insane. Wyatt and Eliza are finally together. I love Eliyatt! Wynter and a few other wolves have joined the football team and cheer squad. She is also dating Jacey-sorry I mean Kevin. It seems as if Bucky has taken a liking to Willa. I know she likes him to but her being stubborn as she is won't admit it. But I do see them together, maybe she can give Bucky a little attitude adjustment. Yep, Still has that ego but it has deflated a little bit. So basically life's been good

"Hey (Y/n)! You ready yet?" Wyatt asked me
"Yeah I'm coming" we were headed for our nightly patrol

"So how are you and Eliza?" I asked
"Great, tomorrow is our six month anniversary"
"Congratulations, you two are seriously my OTP"
"Well you and Carlos are mine. How's he been holding up?"
"He's okay, I feel like he's pushing himself a little too hard though"
"Why do you say that?"
"He's always studying even if he doesn't have a test or assignment, always taking any extra credit work...I don't want him pushing himself too much"
"Tell him that your worried about him"
"I've been trying but he doesn't seem to listen"
"(Y/n), you've always told me that communication is key in a  relationship so just keep trying"
"When did you get so wise?"
"I've always been wise"
"No wonder I call you the Wyse guy"
I loved those moments when Wyatt and I would just chat alone. We could let anything of our chest and just talk to each other without fear of judgment from one another
"So (Y/n), there's something I need to tell you" he said
"What is it?" 
"Well, the elders where talking and they decided for it to be right for you to be fully welcomed as one of us"
"What do you mean?" 
"In our culture, each wolf has a ceremony where they are accepted  into the pack...usually when they turn one but since you were taken away, it was never performed"
"So what does that mean?" 
"It means that you are just a lone wolf, with no pack like your father. So the elders said that the ritual will be performed on your birthday"
"You mean next week"
"okay then so what's going to happen?" 
"A ritual will be performed so that the ancestors know that the lost wolf is found. It's when you will get your mark"
"My mark?"
"Yeah, haven't you noticed that you don't have a mark?"
"Not really no"
"Well once the ritual is performed, it shall appear"
"So after I get my mark, will Carlos get it too?"
"If he's your true mate, then yes"
"Okay then"
Everything he told me kinda made sense. But I was still lost. Anyway we went back to the den. We found Wyatt's dad talking to Willa
"Hello darling (Y/n)"he stood up and gave me a hug
"Hello Mr Lynkensen"
"Darling, I've told you to call me Jonathan"
"Sorry, Jonathan"
"Much better. So I'm guessing he told you the news"
"Yes he did"
"Well, it's only proper to welcome the great alpha, did you know it's also a chance for you to name your beta and alpha male"
"I didn't know that"
"Well I know you have chosen Willa as your beta"
"Yes, I have. She and Wyatt both helped me, so it's only fair"
"Wonderful, you remind me so much of your mother. Kind hearted, fair to all, loyal"
"I really wish I could have met her"
"I'm sorry but never forget that she passed while defending her people. I'm sure she's very proud of you"
"I hope so"
"Well I should be off and tell everyone that the ceremony is taking place"
"It was good seeing you dad" Willa said
"Yeah, when will we see you again?" Wyatt asked
"Soon, very soon. Goodbye everyone"
"Bye" we all said and he left
"Should I be nervous about this?" I asked
"Nah don't worry about it" Willa said
"Think of it as a kinda ritual birthday party" Wyatt said
"Alright well I'm gonna hit the hay, see you guys tomorrow"
I went to my room and found Carlos studying again
"Hey Babe" he said
"Hey Babe. Are you still studying?"
"Why? Aren't your midterms a month from now?"
"Yeah, so I'm just preparing"
"Carlos, babe, you need to give yourself a break. You've already pulled 3 all nighters this week alone and drank lord knows how many cups of coffee. This is unhealthy"
"No, I need to make sure I ace these midterms"
I went over and wrapped my arms around him
"Carlos, you're the smartest guy I know and I know you will pass but if you keep doing this, you'll ware yourself out"
"But (y/n/n)-"
"Carlos...studying is important. I won't argue about that but getting enough sleep and eating right is also important"
"That's true but-"
"And making time to relax and giving your brain a break is also important"
"Well nothing. Now I want you to close those books and go to sleep okay?"
"Okay, thanks (y/n)" he kissed my cheek
"No problem" He went to change in the bathroom as I placed his books in his bag pack. He came out in his pj's and jumped on the bed. I'm glad he still has that playfulness in him. I went in and changed

I came out while tying my hair in a messy bun

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I came out while tying my hair in a messy bun

"Hey (y/n/n)..."he said
"Could we cuddle for a while?"he asked shyly
"Of course babe. Come here" he wrapped his arms around my waist as he laid his head on my chest. I was playing with his hair for a while as I heard little snores come from him
"Good night my little pup" I fell asleep

~A few hours later~
I woke up to Carlos whimpering and felt my shirt was wet. He was crying. He must have been having another nightmare. I recently found that he has them whenever he feels pressured since they bring back memories of Cruella

"Carlos...Babe..?" he was shaking whimpering
"Babe...wake up, it's just a dream" I gently shook him
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry...please don't...please" he whispered
"Babe...she's not here...wake up C!" he finally woke up. His breathing was shaky and he looked terrified
"Hey...it's okay...it was just a dream" I told him. He calmed down a little
"Come on" he laid back on my chest, hugging me like his life depended on it
"You wanna talk about it?" I asked. He shook his head no
"Its okay, I get it" I was stroking his hair
"(Y/n)...would you ever leave me?" he asked
"Of course not. I mean why would I?"
"I was...just wondering"
"Alright then. Now you should get some sleep. We still have school in a few hours"
"Could you sing for me please?" he gave me the puppy dog eyes
"Okay then. Any requests?"
"Umm...surprise me"
"Alright then"

As I sung his grip on me weakened and I could tell he was asleep. I kissed his head and fell asleep

A/n: hey Wattpack. Long time no see. What do you think of the first chapter? And personally I don't know this song just putting it out there😅

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