(Y/n)'s disappeared

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Carlos (P/o/v)
I woke up to an empty bed. She wasn't with me.
"Babe?" I called but no answer. I checked in the bathroom but she wasn't there. Her cellphone was on the nightstand. This was weird. I went to go talk with Wyatt. I knocked on his door
"Hey Carlos. What you need?" he asked
"Uh have you seen (y/n)? She wasn't in our room when I woke up so I thought maybe she was with you"
"No sorry. Last I saw her she was with you and she would have told me if she went out"
"Well her phone is here too"
"What? She never leaves without it"
"Where could she have gone?"
"Okay Willa and I will check the whole Den. If she's not here then well ask people in town if they saw her okay?"
"Okay, thanks" I went back into our room and changed. I was pacing around. She couldn't have run away right? Maybe she went on a morning stroll and forgot her phone. But she would have left a note or something if that was the case. She couldn't have been taken, she would have alerted me. I was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. I opened and saw Willa and Wyatt
"Well?" I asked
"She isn't here" Willa said
"Before we make any assumptions, let's go into town and ask around. Maybe someone saw her" Wyatt said. We agreed and a few wolves went into town with us
~45 minutes later~
"Any luck?" I asked the group
"No and we asked every single person" Wynter said
"where could she be?" Wyatt asked
"It doesn't make any sense" Willa said
"Do you know what time she may have left?" Wyatt asked
"I don't know maybe during the night"
"Okay let's go check the woods if she's not there then..."Willa said
"Then what?" I asked
"It means that she has gone missing" Wyatt finished. My heart shattered at those words
"Carlos, you should go back to the den in case she comes back" Wynter said. I nodded and quickly rushed over. I went into our bedroom. Memories flooded back of when she ran away the first time back in Auradon. I never saw her after 2 years. I can't go through that again. Those sleepless nights worrying about her, the constant nightmares thinking about her. She's the only one who understands me. I sat on the bed silently crying

~2 hours later~
Wynter walked in my room
"We couldn't find her Carlos. I'm sorry" she said. More tears fell at those words
"She can't be missing...she can't" I said. She hugged me. I felt my phone vibrate. I saw Jay was calling me. I answered
"Hey Carlos, what's going on? Why isn't (y/n) answering my calls?" he asked
"She's...she's..."I couldn't say the words
"Are you crying? Is everything okay?" he asked
"(y/n)'s gone missing" I finally said. He was silent for a while
"Your joking right? If it's a joke then it's not funny Carlos" he finally said
"I'm not. She went...missing last night. We checked everywhere but we can't find her and no one has seen her"
"We're coming over there" he said and hung up
"Carlos, you have to notify the elders of this. They need to know" Wynter said. I nodded and we left. I was afraid. If (Y/n)'s dad heard about this, I'm done for.

Jay's (P/o/v)
I called everyone and told then the situation. Mal and Ben didn't hesitate and said that we should all go. This brought back memories of the day I found that note. Why was this happening? Evie and I were about to head out but were stopped by the twins
"Where are you guys going?" Squirmy asked
"Uhh...we're going to see (y/n)"I said
"Can we come too?" asked Squeaky
"Yeah, we miss her" said Squirmy
"I don't know guys"
"Please..."they both said as they gave me puppy dog eyes. I turned to Evie. She gave me an hesitant look
"Okay fine. Go pack, we're leaving soon" they both ran to their rooms
"Is this a good idea?" she asked
"I don't know. Maybe we just keep them distracted until we find her" I said
"That's gonna be a tough job." She said
"Do you want to tell them that their cousin is missing again?" I asked
"No, that would crush them" she said
"We'll figure it out when we get there" we nodded and waited on the two

Your (p/o/v)
I woke up in a cave. It was dark but the entrance seemed blocked by flowing water?
"You're awake, thank goodness" I heard someone say. I turned and saw my mom
"Mom?" I asked
"Hi sweetie" she said with a smile
"What's going on?"
"Uh...your just...dreaming again" she said nervously
"Oh okay then"I looked at myself and saw that I was wearing different clothing and jewelry

dreaming again" she said nervously"Oh okay then"I looked at myself and saw that I was wearing different clothing and jewelry

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"What's all this?" I asked
"Umm...let's take a walk around shall we. I want to spend as much time with you as possible" she grabbed my arm and took me towards the entrance. We walked through and I saw that it was the waterfall. I didn't know there was a cave behind it. That's cool. We were just walking around the stream. She was telling me about her life. It's weird though, whenever I see her it's only for a short amount of time. Why not now?

Carlos (p/o/v)
Well the elders know that she's missing. Her dad seemed crushed though instead of angry. And now I'm panicking because my girlfriend is missing and we have no clue of finding her. This all seems too weird though. First her food poisoning, now her going missing. Maybe it's the stress. I'm over thinking it now. Why would someone try and hurt her? It doesn't make sense. Maybe I should just sleep this off. I went to my bed and slowly fell asleep

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