Meeting Scar

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↑Scar's outfit↑

Your (p/o/v)
She looked exactly like, but she seemed darker
"Who are you?" I asked
"Oh come on (y/n). You know me"
"No, I really don't"
"Your amnesia must be acting up again. Fine then, let me re-introduce myself. My name is Scarlett. But you know me as Scar" she smiled evilly. I remember her now
"You, how? I thought-"
"That I was only a nightmare? Oh please. That was just me, having some fun."
"Why are you here? To torment me? I'm not afraid of you anymore"
"Who? Me? I'm just here as a friend. I saw what went down"
"You don't know anything"
"Really? I've been watching you (y/n). I know what goes on. And I can't say I'm not surprised"
"Why would you say that"
"You seem to forget that Carlos is a villain. He grew up surrounded by players. Like Jay, Harry, Evie even. So of course he was gonna play you"
"He wouldn't-"
"And yet he did. There's no denying that"
"Just leave me alone Scar"
"Look, I get it. Your feeling hurt right now. Don't know what to think or who to trust. I just want to help you"
"Oh please"
"I'm serious. I can help you get revenge. You know, give him a taste of his own medicine"
"I would never do that to Carlos"
"Please. We are basically the same. We just have different views but deep inside, we are the same person through and through"
"I will never be like you"
"I don't know. Villain (y/n) was almost like me"
"Well I've grown"
"And so have I. What's your point?"
"That I will never be like you. I would never stoop to your level and I will never ask for your help"
"Okay then, but just know I'll be here if you ever change your mind. Just give me a call"
"Don't hold your breath"
"But I'll be around. Just in case. Ta-ta" she disappeared into the shadows. I decided to head back. It's been so long since I last saw her. I thought she was just in my mind. She's real. It made me shudder to think about it
I was back civilization. I didn't wanna go back to the den. Way to much awkward and hurt and betrayal. I needed to get away from all that. I headed over to Zed's place. Maybe I could stay there for a while. I knocked on the door. Soon he opened it
"(Y/n)? Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked
"Hey Zed, umm I need to ask for a favor" I said
"Are you okay? Your voice is shaky and your eyes are red. Have you been crying? Did something happen?"
"It's just..." I started to tear up again thinking about it
"(Y/n), what happened? You're starting to scare me. Do you have your memory back?"
"Yes I do it. It's Carlos, umm, he kinda uh..."
"What did he do?"
"I found him and Wynter kissing in our bedroom"
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry (y/n)" he gave me a hug which I accepted
"Don't worry, it's going to be okay"
"How do you know?" I asked in his chest
"Because I'm going to kill him" I giggled a little
"Please don't"
"No, he deserves it (y/n), you can't tell me otherwise"
"Well, my dad may have already beat ya to it so" I broke the hug and wiped away my tears
"So what was that favor you needed?"
"Is it okay if I stayed in my old room for a couple of days? Unless it's not there anymore"
"Of course you can. Don't worry it's still there. Zoe insisted on it in case you decided to come back and live with us again"
"Aw where is my little Zombae?"
"She and my dad went to visit some relatives. They'll be gone for a week or so"
"So you're home alone?"
"Yep. I'm my own man now" he said flexing his muscles. I couldn't help but laugh
"There's that laugh I missed so much"
"You're a real dork, you know that"
"Meh, if you say so. Where are my manners, come in" he lead me
inside. Seems like nothing has changed. We went to the basement and he was right. Everything was still here. But I could sniff the scent of Zoe and her puppy
"Yeah, Zoe spends a lot of time in here and so does her pup"
"Well I'm glad its being put to good use" I flopped onto my bed
"Do you need anything?"
"Some pjs maybe?"
"Alright I'll be right back" he went back upstairs. It felt nice to be back. It's like my second home. Or third home I guess? I don't know. Soon Zed came back with a load of stuff
"What's all this? I just asked for some pjs?"
"Well I thought we could make a night of this you know? I brought some snacks, a couple of movies we could watch, some spare blankets and your pjs of course"
"I don't know Zed"
"C'mon, it'll help take your mind of things. When last did you just let lose?" he is right though
"Okay fine, you talked me into it"
"Yes! I'm going to go change, I'll be right back" he dashed back upstairs. I changed into Zed's big but comfortable pjs and placed everything. Soon he came back and we got the night started. It was really fun just hanging out, the two of us. It made me realized that I actually did miss him. As a roommate. He always made things interesting. We were well into our 4th movie when we both fell asleep together

I was back in my room on the isle
"I see your angle" I heard someone say. Out of the corner, Scar appeared. Great
"I know what you're trying to do you know" she said
"What now?"
"You're trying to get Carlos jealous aren't you? By using Zed? I like it" she smiled
"I don't know what you're talking about"
"But it's perfect. You two together, alone. It will drive him crazy. I guess there's still some evil in there after all"
"That's not what I'm doing. Zed is just a friend"
"Yeah, kinda like how Wynter was 'just a friend' to Carlos right?"
"It's not the same. He's dating Addison"
"Oh yeah sure like that matters"
"I would never do that to her"
"Fine, it is a weak plan anyway. I have something that would hurt him a lot more"
"Well I don't wanna hear"
"You sure? It's really juicy"
"I'll pass thank you"
"Fine, but you'll come around. Eventually"
"So since you're here. Why don't we have some fun? Like old times ey?"
"No, not again please"
"Don't worry. This time, it'll be much more tormenting"
"No! No! Please! No!"
~end of dream~
"No!" I shot up. It was early morning, the sun was starting to rise. I looked over and Zed, sleeping peacefully. His hair was a mess. I slowly got up and quietly went upstairs. Why not make myself some coffee? I went to the kitchen and did exactly that. I went onto the porch and just watched the sun rise. It was really nice. But I'm more of a sunset kinda person. I started thinking about how Carlos and I would watch the sunset whenever we had free time. It wasn't a regular thing we did. Just something from time to time. We never really spent as much time together as we used to. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice a certain zombie come up behind me
"Morning (y/n/n)" Zed said with a yawn
"Hey Zed. How'd you sleep?"
"Really well actually. Who knew your bed was that comfortable huh"
"How long have you been out here?"
"I don't know since 5 I guess"
"So for 4 hours straight?"
"What? What time is it?"
"Its 9:30"
"Yeah woah"
"Are you feeling any better?" he sat next to me
"Yeah, a lil bit"
"Why don't we all have a friend's day out with the gang?" he suggested
"Well it has been a while"
"C'mon, it'll be fun"
"Okay why not but you can't tell them about what happened. I don't want anyone pitying me"
"I promise. I'll let everyone know the plan" he ran back inside. I was a bit excited about it. I went back to my room. Luckily I found some jeans that I left behind (and was too lazy to fetch) and Zed loaned me a hoodie of his. 

We met up with everyone

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We met up with everyone. I have to admit that I did miss them. We decided on going to a movie. We picked one called 'Zombies attack' it was about the history of how zombies came to be. It was more funny than freaky once you think about it. I couldn't stop laughing at the fake zombies. I mean once you've been with the real thing, any else is just stupid. Then we all got some fro-yo and then to the local park. We were all just acting like kids. Bonzo was pushing Bree by the swing sets, Addi, Eliza and I were being pushed on the merry-go-round by Zed. I got dizzy after a while and separated from everyone. I was sat at a bench when Eliza sat next to me
"Hey (y/n). I know what happened between you and Carlos" and with those few words my eyes started watering but I just kept my eyes closed. I hadn't even thought about what happened
"Wy told me. I'm really sorry (y/n/n)" she side hugged me
"Did you tell me where I am?" I asked, my voice cracking
"No, I didn't. But he's really worried about you"
"I know I just...I need some space"
"Hey, I get it. Take all the time you need. Is it okay if I tell him that you're not coming back soon?"
"Just tell him that I'm fine and I need time to think and that he shouldn't look for me"
"Got it. So you wanna go back and have more fun?" that made me smile
"Yeah I'll be there in a minute" she got up and left. I wiped my tears and joined in the fun. At the end of the day we all just sat by the beach and talked. I wished that the gang hadn't left for Auradon. I really needed them. Especially Jay

Carlos (p/o/v)
I haven't left my room since. I didn't feel like it. I broke her heart. I hurt her. She didn't deserve it. She doesn't deserve me. She deserves someone better. Someone like her. Someone who's not constantly giving her problems. Someone who isn't scared all the time. Someone who can actually protect her.

Wyatt's (p/o/v)
I hadn't talked to Carlos or Wynter. I was too angry at them both. I was also worried about (y/n). She hasn't come back since. Even though Eliza said not to worry I couldn't help it. We needed her back. I still feel that's it dangerous for her to be alone. We still haven't figured out who's tried to hurt her. What if they get to her again? We can't lose her again. She's the Alpha. But she's more than that. She's family

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