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"Come in" (y/n)'s dad walked in. I quickly stood up
"Mr Wolf"
"De vil. How is she?" he asked
"No news yet"
"Hm. Look De vil, do you have any idea of what happened to her?"
"Um maybe"
"Then tell me"
"Someone is out to get her sir. I don't think it's a coincidence that all these things happened"
"What do you mean?"
"First the food poisoning, then her disappearance, now her moonstone is missing"
"I may know who it is but I think I'm wrong"
"Who do suspect sir?"
"Jonathan Lynkensen"
"Wyatt's dad? But how-"
"Look that man may seem like a nice guy but he isn't. I know that very well"
"Sir, you really think he would do that to her?"
"De vil, there's some things I need to tell you. Just not now. But I need you to do something for me"
"What is it?"
"I need you to sneak into his room and look for (y/n)'s moonstone. If I'm right about this, he will have it"
"I'll try sir"
"I'm going to see her. I know he's gonna be out for the day. Do it then okay"
"Okay will do sir" he walked out of my room. Could it be possible though? I mean why would he do it?

I finally got a chance to sneak into his room. It was fairly big but I had to stay focused. I looked in the drawers, between his mattresses, behind photo frames. I was about to leave when I saw a feint glow under his pillow. I checked inside and there it was. Her moonstone. I couldn't believe it. I quickly put the moonstone in my pocket and made sure to put everything back. I left and went back into my room. I held the necklace in my hand. So it is true. He's been trying to get rid of her. But why? She hasn't done anything but be nice to him. She relieved his daughter of the Alpha duties. It doesn't make sense. I need to see (y/n)'s dad about this. I raced back to the hospital. I found my friends there with the twins. Jay and Evie were trying to calm them down
"Guys any news?" I asked
"Nothing yet but something happened" said Wyatt
"What? What's going on?" A few doctors and nurses were rushing into her room shouting 'code blue'
"What's wrong with her?"
"We were with her in the room when something happened. She wasn't breathing and her heart just stopped" said Wynter
"What" I couldn't believe what I was hearing
"Carlos maybe you should sit down" Mal said as she helped me sit down
"Did the doctors say anything?" I asked as tears swell up my eyes
"No, were really sorry C" the twins came towards me. They both had puffy red eyes
"Is (y/n/n) going to be okay?" asked Squirmy
"Of course she is. She's strong...she's a fighter" I said with a sad smile. They both hugged me and it ended with everyone in a group hug

~a few hours later~
The doctors finally got her stable which was good news. Everyone was silent. But it was a comfortable silence. Soon the doctor came towards us
"Okay, well she's showing some signs of recovery. But she still has a long way to go. You can come and see her but only two at a time"
"Is she awake?" I asked
"Unfortunately she's still out of it. But in the state she's in, she should be around loved ones. Try talking to her and let her know she's in a safe environment"
"I want to see her. Alone if that's okay" Everyone nodded and I followed the doctor. I went beside her. I had to at least try. I took off her old moonstone and quickly replaced it with her other one. Something seemed to happen to her
Your (p/o/v)
I was started to fade away from this strange place. It was really beautiful and the woman was really nice to. Even though I didn't know what she was talking about. I guess she noticed me disappearing
"Good luck darling" she said. Why did she call me darling? Maybe it's her nickname for me. I should remember to ask for her name next time I see her

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