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"The truth about what?" I asked
"Just follow me" she stretched out her hand which I took. She led me in front of a waterfall
"Now just look closely my love" she gestured towards the falling water. I stepped a bit closer and saw my mother. She was battling with some humans. She was fighting them off and she won. Limp bodies laid around her. A shadowy figure came behind her and before she knew, they stabbed her with a spear behind her back, close to her shoulder. She fell to the ground in a bleeding mess. The shadowy figure removed the spear and stood over her. I saw them. It was Jonathan. He stood there with the bloody spear in his hands and a smirk on his face. She bled to death, right in front of him. He walked away from the scene. He ran back to the den but before he went in. Sliced his arm. Not to deep and threw the weapon far into the woods. He ran inside the Den, crying fake tears
"Help! Help! I need help!" he cried. A few wolves came to him
"What happened?" a female wolf asked
"I-I was helping the Alpha fight off the humans when they sliced my arm. She tried fighting them off but they stabbed her. I was able to get away" he said. Everyone around him was in tears. Then it faded with the water. I was in tears
"Did he really do that to you?" I asked. She turned around and removed her hair. It showed a scar. The same place she was stabbed
"I can't believe he would do such a thing"
"Not everyone is who they say they are" she said
"I'll make him pay" she smiled at me before everything disappeared. I woke up and saw Carlos asleep. I quietly stood up and grabbed a hoodie. I slipped on my sneakers and left our room. I snuck out of the den and started roaming around the woods. After that dream everything seemed so clear. I found myself by a cliff waterfall. The same where my mother showed me the truth. I sat on the edge just looking at the night sky
"Hello darling (Y/n)"I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Jonathan
"You are an evil person" I said as I stood up
"Why such hurtful words? I haven't done anything wrong"
"Oh really? I know you killed my mother and tried to kill me too"
"Why ever would you say such?" he asked as he walked closer to me
"Oh I saw everything that happened the night she was killed. You stabbed her with a spear, right in her back...You fed me cocoa even though you knew it would kill me"
"You really are a smart girl aren't you" he came closer
"But why? Why would you do all this?" I asked him
"Because I was supposed to be alpha male, your mother should have married me. My blood should be running through your veins. It should have been my legacy" he was a few inches from me
"You are an awful person. A real wolf in sheep's clothing and I am going to tell the elders everything"
"Oh I don't think you will."
"Have a nice trip" he grabbed my moonstone. I felt weak without it. He delivered the final blow and pushed me of the cliff. He gave me a smirk as he watched me fall to my death. I hit the cold water, it felt like it was consuming me...pulling me in deeper. I was trying to get up to the
surface with all my strength...but finally I just couldn't. I let the darkness take over. But before I lost consciousness I felt something lift me from the water. It took me somewhere dark and laid me down. That's when I couldn't stay awake anymore.

Jonathan's (p/o/v)
I snuck back into my room with ease. I held her moonstone in my hand. In a few days she will be gone. Then that little Carlos boy will have no choice but to leave and my daughter will become alpha and the Alpha Legacy will finally be ours. I placed the necklace in the nightstand and went to bed.

Descendants & Zombies: Ever AfterWhere stories live. Discover now