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Your (p/o/v)
I opened my eyes to a white room. It was really bright. I felt something in my throat. Like a tube. My throat feels so dry
"You're awake" I heard a familiar voice say next to me. I saw a white haired guy. Seemed to be in college I'm guessing. He's kinda cute. The freckles and his eyes. Feels like I know him from somewhere. He even has a cute tattoo on his cheek
"I'll go get the doctor" he said and left the room. I took in my surroundings. I was in a hospital room. There was a needle in my arm. The guy came back in with a doctor and a nurse. He had tears in his eyes but he was smiling
"Ms Wolf. Glad to have you back. This is a miracle" she said with a smile. I was so confused. She came over to me
"I'm just going to check your eyes okay" I nodded my neck feeling stiff. She used a tiny light in my eyes
"Okay looks good. Now we're just going to remove the tube from your mouth okay" I nodded. The doctor carefully took it out. I coughed. The nurse brought me some water. The cold liquid running down my throat was bliss. The guy came over and took my hand as the doctor and nurse left
"I'm so happy that you're okay babe" Babe? Why does everyone have a
nickname for me?
"Babe? What's wrong?" he asked me. I just looked at him confused and
pulled my hand away from his. He seemed a little crushed
"Why did you do that?" he asked. I finally spoke up
"I just don't want you holding my hand" I said slowly
"But I always hold your hand. I'm your boyfriend" he said
"What?" I asked.
"Babe you're starting to scare me. Don't you remember?" I shook my head
"No I'm sorry"
"No you have to remember me. It's me Carlos. We've been friends since we were kids" he said as tears swelled up his eyes
"I'm sorry but I don't know you" the doctor walked back in
"Is everything okay?" she asked
"She doesn't remember me. Something's wrong with her" he told the doctor
"Okay. Do you remember your name?" she asked me. My mind was blank. I shook my head
"What do you remember?" Blank again
"Nothing just waking up here" I said. The guy or Carlos seemed to cry even more. Did I hurt his feelings?
"This isn't right" the doctor said
"Can't you do something to help her remember?" Carlos asked
"We need to run some more tests. I'm sorry but you're going to have to leave" she said. The nurse ushered him out of the room. I don't like the sound of that

Carlos' (p/o/v)
I walked back to the rest of the gang
"What happened?" asked Jay. I just sat down and cried in my hands
"Carlos seriously, what's going on?" Wyatt asked
"She woke up but..." I couldn't finish that sentence. I didn't want it to be real
"But what C?" asked Mal
"S-she lost her memory" I cried even more. I can't believe it. I thought I got her back but now she's gone again. I lost my girl

~A day later~
I was in bed. My pillow was stained with tears. I was crying all last night. It happened. My worst nightmare has come true. Every time I fell asleep, my dreams would taunt me. I felt like I was being punished. Like the universe was against me. What have I done to deserve this? I dragged myself to the bathroom. Man I was a mess. My eyes were red and puffy, my hair was stuck to my face. I needed to clean myself up. I took a quick shower and threw on clothes. I had to be strong. But I didn't want to go back. To see her like that. Looking at me like a stranger instead of someone she loved. I decided to just go to class. I have missed a lot. Well not really, I was ahead of everyone but I needed a distraction. My exams are only what 2 weeks away now? Besides I'll see her afterwards

Your (p/o/v)
I had a lot of people visit me today. There was Jay, Mal, Evie, Wyatt and Wynter. There was also these cute little twin brothers who are my cousins I think. They were so sweet. But they looked sad though to see me. It's weird. I know I'm attached to all of them but I don't know how. It's really frustrating. And I just found out that I am a wolf. I have very mixed emotions about that. It seems cool but then also not cool. I wonder if that makes sense. I was brought out of my thoughts by the door opening. An older man walked in and sat next to me
"Hi sweetie." He said. I just waved my hand
"How are you feeling?" I gave him a thumbs up
"I'm guessing you don't remember me?" I shook my head
"Well I'm your father" I just stared at him and finally asked
"Then where's my mother?" his expression fell
"She uh passed away after you were born"
"Oh" I said
"But she does talk to you"
"You told me that you would talk to a woman wearing a white gown in your dreams" so that's who she was. She was my mother
"That was my mother?" I said aloud
"What?" he asked
"Before I woke up, I remember a woman was talking to me. I didn't know who she was"
"That must have been her"
"She was really beautiful"
"You remind me of her"
"Yeah. You have her looks, her smarts and her bravery. You're exactly like her"
"Wow" was all I could say. The doctor walked in
"Hello. I just wanted to let you know that we will be able to discharge you in a few days" she said
"Wonderful" my dad said
"It will better for you to be in a familiar environment which might help you regain your memory"
"Okay then" I said
"Thank you doctor" he said and she left the room
"So where exactly do I live?" 
"In a cave, with many other wolves"
"Really?" I giggled
"Yeah. But it's home sweet home trust me"
"I'll take your word for it" There was a knock on the door
"Come in" 3 people walked in. 2 with green hair and very pale skin and 1 with white hair.
"I better leave you guys to catch up" he kissed my forehead and left. The green haired guy gave me a hug
"(Y/n)! How long has it been! Why didn't you tell us! We were worried sick!" he said
"Woah okay back up bro, you reek of the un-dead" he let go of me
"Of course I do. I'm a zombie" my eyes widened
"Yeah (y/n), we're zombies you know that" the girl said
"Um no, I don't know that. Please don't eat my brains" I said
"Haha (y/n), stop playing" the guy said. I just stared at the 3 of them
"(Y/n), don't you remember us?" the white haired girl asked. I shook my head
"(Y/n), we're your friends. It's us. Zed, Eliza, Addi?" she said
"Sorry, doesn't ring a bell" I said. That's when Wyatt walked in
"Hey guys" he said
"Wyatt what's going on with (y/n)? Why doesn't she remember us?" Zed asked I think 
"Oh yeah. The doctor says that she has memory loss because of her accident"
"So she doesn't remember anything?" Addison asked
"No she doesn't"
"Oh. Well that doesn't matter. We can help her get it back" Eliza
"No matter what" Zed said
"Okay but the doctor said not to rush anything. She has to remember at her own pace"
"We can do that" Addison said
"Well we have to go but it was nice seeing you (y/n)" Eliza said
"Yeah we hope you feel better" Zed said
"I will don't worry. I'm sure I'll be back in like a week"
"Well she still has her fiery determination" Wyatt said. We all laughed
"See you soon" Addison said
"Bye" they walked out
"They seem nice" I said as I looked at Wyatt
"They are. Trust me" he said. I hope I remember soon

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