Food Poisoning

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Your (p/o/v)
I woke up to an empty bed. Carlos must have gone to class today. I didn't feel right though. Soon I dashed into the bathroom and threw up harshly. I brushed my teeth and went back to bed. I was feeling nauseous for some reason. Soon I felt my stomach turn and dashed back into the bathroom. I threw up again and brushed my teeth. I knew I would vomit any second so I sat down on the bathroom floor. I heard a voice inside my room. Wyatt was looking for me
"You in here?" he asked
"I'm in the bathroom" I said
"Are you okay?"
"I think I have food poisoning"
"From what?"
"I'm not sure. All I know is that I've been throwing up all morning after I ate something last night"
"Do you need a doctor?"
"Nah, I've had my fair share of food poisoning cases from the isle. I'll be okay in a few days"
"Should I call Carlos to let him know?"
"He's probably in class by now. I don't want to disturb him"
"Well is there anything I can do?"
"No. I just have to get through this. I'll be okay don't worry"
"Well I'm go on the morning rounds okay. Get well soon"
"Alright bye" I heard the door close. Soon I threw up again. I wonder what I ate last night. This is worse than the other times. I sat by the bathroom door with my head in my knees and slowly fell asleep

~a few hours later~
Carlos (p/o/v)
I came back to find Wynter and Wyatt talking
"Hey guys" I said
"Hey Carlos" Wynter said
"Where's (y/n)?"I asked
"Uh she's in the bedroom. She told me she has food poisoning. She's been throwing up all morning" Wyatt said
"Is she okay?" I asked worried
"I'm not sure. I went to go on the morning rounds and haven't talked to her since" he said. I went to our room to find it empty. I tried opening the bathroom door but it was locked
"Babe? Babe you in here?" I asked as I knocked on the door repeatedly. It was silent
Your (p/o/v)
I woke up to someone knocking on the door. I heard Carlos's voice
"Babe are you in here?" he asked. I guess Wyatt told him
"Yeah I'm in here" I said tiredly
"Well can you let me in?" he asked
"No thank you. I just wanna be left alone"
"I heard about the food poisoning, are you okay?"
"Define okay. I've thrown up so many times and I can barely stand"
"Babe come on. I need to see if you're okay"
"I just don't want you to see me like this"
"Fine but I'm not leaving you alone"
"Carlos please" it was silent. But soon I saw something slide under the door. It was a pen?
"Babe what's this for?" he didn't answer. A small paper flew under the door. It was note
'hi :D' it read. I couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness. Another note came in
'how are you?:-\'
"Do you expect me to answer these?" I asked. Another note came in
'Yes。◕‿◕。"Alright fine" I said. I replied to his first note
'You're a dork :P' I wrote. Another note came in
'I'm your dork(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ' I laughed. Another note came
'I miss you :'-('
'I miss you too(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っI replied. I soon felt my stomach turn and I threw up once again. More harshly this time
"Babe?" I heard Carlos ask. I supported myself with the sink. The room started spinning. I tried walking towards the door but as I took a step forward, my body shut down and I blacked

Carlos (P/o/v)
She wasn't answering me. I heard a thud like something hit the floor. It got me more worried. I went to her nightstand and found one of her hair clips. I used it to unlock the door and it surprisingly worked. She was laying on the floor. I knelt down next to her. She was burning up. I took out my phone and called an ambulance
~2 hours at the hospital~
I've been pacing since we got here. Wyatt and Willa tried to calm me down but I can't. I'm too worried about (y/n). I just wanted her to be okay. The doctor finally arrived to consult us
"How is she?" Wyatt asked
"She's going to be fine. You did say she was half wolf?" he asked
"Yeah. Why?" Willa asked
"Well we found extreme amounts of Theobromine in her system, which caused her to lose consciousness. Has she been vomiting excessively?" he asked
"Yeah. She thought it was food poisoning" I said
"She was right. Theobromine also known as chocolate or cocoa which is extremely poisonous to canines. With the amount in her body, she's lucky to be alive"
"Is she awake?" I asked
"She's asleep right now. Were still flushing it out of her system and she was severely dehydrated so it may be a while"
"Can we see her?" Willa asked
"Not now. We'll inform you when you can"
"Okay. Thank you" he walked away leaving us to wonder
"How did cocoa get into her system?" Willa asked
"Did she eat it without knowing?" Wyatt asked
"Who would give it to her?" I asked
"Let's just be glad that she's okay" Wyatt said
~a few days later~
(Y/n) was finally back home. I was chilling with her in our room since the doctor told her to take it easy for a few days. I was reading while she was listening to music. Nobody really knows how she got the cocoa. They think she might have gotten some from the café and we just left it at that. It worried me that they took it so lightly but she said to let it go. But I just couldn't. This was serious. What if it was worse? Or she didn't make it? If it was intentional? No that can't be it. Maybe someone gave it to her by mistake, but she would have known not to. Maybe they snuck it into her food. But who would do that?
"Hey babe. What are you thinking about?" she asked me
"Oh nothing" I said
"Really? You seemed really lost there for a sec"
"I was just thinking about my tests. They are coming soon"
"Well you're going to do great I just know it" she said as she kissed my forehead
"Thanks babe" I was telling half the truth. In 3 weeks I have to start tests but I can't focus. And I don't want (y/n) knowing since she'll say it's her fault even though it's not. I don't want to dump my problems on her. I'll just push it aside for now
~later that night~
Your (p/o/v)
I could tell that Carlos was distracted. More than usual. I couldn't tell if he was telling the truth about his tests. Seems like a cover for something else. He snuck up on me and gave me a hug
"Hey you" he said with his cute smile
"Whatchu thinking about?" he asked
"I don't even know. Random thoughts I guess"
"Okay, if you say so. How bout we just go to bed"
"Yeah okay" We got into bed and drifted off to sleep
I was by the stream. The water flowing at my feet. 
"Hello (y/n)"I turned around and saw my mom
"Mom? What's going on?" I asked
"It's time you learn the truth" she said

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