What Happens Now?

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~A few days later

Carlos' (p/o/v)
Things seem to be back to normal now. There is still a little tension between me and everyone but it has died down. Mr Wolf was able to talk Jay out of beating me to death somehow. Although I'm sure the next time he sees me he might try. They've gone back to Auradon. (Y/n) and I have been reconnecting after the whole Scarlett saga. Having her back with me makes everything perfect. Right now she was doing her rounds with Wyatt. I was doing some work in our room when there was a knock on the door
"Come in" I said. Looking up I'd see her dad walk in
"De Vil. Where's my little pup?" he asked
"Oh she's out doing her rounds sir"
"Okay good. We need to talk"
"About what?" I asked
"Jonathan. We have to take care of him"
"Oh right"
"He tried to kill my daughter. I'm sure he's planning something"
"But what can we do? He is Wyatt and Willa's father. If we said anything they wouldn't believe us"
"I know. We need to get some sort of proof to show them and the elders"
"I'm not sure. All I know is that we need to protect her from him"
"I agree."
"If you think of something let me know" I nodded
"I will" he then walked out. I had forgotten all about Jonathan. He had disappeared when we found (Y/n) and took her to the hospital. But he will be back I just know it. I'll have to talk to her about this. Just then she walked in
"Hey baby" she wrapped her arms around me
"Hi my love. How were your rounds?"
"Same as always. Nothing special"
"Alright well we have to talk about something"
"Talk about what?" she asked sitting next to me
"Well it's about Jonathan" she tensed up as I mentioned his name
"What about him?"
"We have to do something about him"
"Something like what?"
"I don't know but something to stop him trying to hurt you"
"Wait how did you-"
"I found your moonstone in his room. And after hearing that you were going to be okay he disappeared." she sighed
"I don't think we can do anything"
"But what if he tries hurting you again?"
"I won't let that happen"
"But he needs to be stopped. The other wolves have to know about this"
"I know but we don't have anything against him"
"That's the problem"
"Look as long as he's not here nothing's gonna happen to me"
"And when he comes back?"
"Then I'll just stay as far away from him as possible"
"You know that won't work for long"
"Well it's better than nothing. I'll try to think of something until then" I hugged her
"I just don't want you to live in fear" she hugged me back
"I know but hopefully it's temporary" I sighed then pulled away
"Don't worry okay. I'm going to be okay. Trust me" she said taking my hands in hers
"Okay. I trust you" I said as she her smile
"Good. Now close that laptop and get ready for bed." she said making me chuckle
"Alright as you wish" I put the laptop on the desk and went to change into my pjs

Your (p/o/v)
As Carlos walked into the bathroom I let out a sigh. I hadn't stopped thinking about Jonathan. It's almost as though he read my mind. I know at some point he was going to come back. Probably to see if I've died yet or something. He won't stop until he gets rid of me. Maybe I should just give him what he wants. Right?

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