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Your (p/o/v)
I was heading to our bedroom. Something felt off but I didn't know what. I opened the door and saw them. It was Carlos and Wynter, their lips locked, their hands together. That's when it happened, all my memories came flooding back. Every single one, but I didn't care. My
boyfriend, my mate was kissing someone else. I could feel the tears swell up my eyes. I just stood there, not noticing someone walk up behind me
"What the hell!" I was snapped out of my trance as I heard Wyatt scream. The two broke away and looked towards us.
"(Y/n)! Look- it's not what it-" I cut him off
"I can't believe you..." was all I could say. I ran from the scene and out of the Den, ignoring my dad and Willa. I ran as fast as I could, deep into the woods. I didn't know where I was and I didn't care. I finally sat down by a tree and let the tears spill. I never would have thought he of all people would cheat on me

Wyatt's (p/o/v)
I looked at the two with rage
"Why would you do that!" I yelled
"Wyatt, I didn't mean to, I swear" Carlos said
"Really? That's not what I saw. Wynter how could you?"
"Really Wyatt it was a mistake, it wasn't supposed to happen" she said
"Where's (y/n) going? Why was she crying?" asked Willa behind me
"Ask these two. I can't even look at either of you" I said as I walked
out angrily. I can't believe them. They don't know what they've done

Willa's (p/o/v)
Wyatt walked out. I looked to see Carlos almost in tears and Wynter looking guilty
"Okay, what happened?" asked (y/n)'s dad
"Something happened, that shouldn't have happened" she said
"What exactly happened?" I asked
"(Y/n), walked in on us..." she looked to her feet
"Don't tell me you guys were-"
"She saw us kiss" Carlos finally said
"You did what?" asked her dad. I could tell he was already angry. So was I
"Wynter? Is this true?" she didn't look back.
"Why I should just-" He went to attack Carlos but I held him back. Barely. His claws were out and his eyes were glowing a danger red
"I knew you were bad news De Vil! I should have gotten you when I had the chance! You will pay for breaking her heart!" he screamed.
Carlos was backed up against the wall, terrified. His tears were falling and his breathing was out of control
"Mr Wolf! We need to get you out of here before you do something you will regret later" I was able to push him out of the room. He stormed out of the den. Probably to let off some steam. Wynter was still in the room with him. I walked back in and found her trying to comfort him
"You two better separate right now!" I said. Well yelled. I was still angry with them. She quickly got up but Carlos stayed on the floor
"Wynter, I didn't expect this from you of all people" I said
"It was a moment of weakness Willa, I swear" she said
"You really think that's gonna work. I know you're still upset about Kevin but this is low. Even for you"
"I know. I'm really sorry, it's just that-"
"I don't want to hear it. You two better pray for your lives. Wynter, you better leave. And you better stay away from each other" she walked out of the room. I looked back at Carlos. He had his knees to his chest and hid his face. I could hear his little sobs. I just left him there. He
still betrayed (y/n) and I didn't really know what to do to help him. I really hope she's okay

Carlos (p/o/v)
Everyone left. I was all alone. I can't believe what I just did. I cheated on the love of my life. I could feel my heart shatter. This has to be the worst thing I have ever done in my entire life

Your (p/o/v)
I finally calmed now. I just sat there, replaying the picture in my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about it
"Hurts doesn't it?" a voice said
"Being betrayed like that. But what do you expect" the voice said
"Stop hiding and come out" I said shakily
"Ugh fine" a figure jumped down from the tree next to me. But it was me?
"Missed me?" she or I asked with an evil grin

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