Dream meaning

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I saw this stream, it was so beautiful. (Y/n) would have liked this. I walked closer to the waterfall and decided to go through it because why not? On the other side was a cave. I saw a silhouette of a limp body, laying there. I wanted to go closer but everything started fading away. I woke up to Wynter shaking me
"Sorry to bother but your friends are here" she said. I nodded and followed her outside. I saw Mal and Jay
"Hey guys"I said
"Hey. Any news or leads?" Jay asked
"None, we searched literally the whole of Seabrook and nothing" I told them
"I'm sorry Carlos" Mal said as she touched my shoulder
"Where are Ben and Evie?" 
"They went to the hotel with the twins" she said
"The twins? Why bring them now?" I asked
"They asked us to come. They gave me the puppy dog eyes I couldn't say no" Jay said
"You've really gone soft" Mal said with a smirk
"So what's the plan with them?" I asked
"We're going to keep them as distracted as possible" Jay said
"You know early bed time, fun activities. All of that stuff" Mal said
"Let's hope it works"
"So are you going to alert the authorities?"Jay asked
"We might have to I mean... I'm starting to think someone took her"
"But who and why?"he asked
"I don't know"
"Well we're gonna come back tomorrow to help in any way okay" Mal said
"Alright then"
"Don't worry, we'll find her" Evie said
"Bye C" she said
"Bye" they left the den
"Hey Carlos, I'm going to and make the rounds. I'll be back later" Wyatt said
"Shouldn't I go with you?"
"No don't worry about it. Go rest"
"You sure?"
"Yes I'm sure."
"Okay. Stay safe"
"I will. See ya" he left. I went back to my room and changed. I saw my textbooks and decided to study to get my mind of things. I dove in but after a while I got sleepy. I tried to force myself awake but it didn't work. I ended up sleeping by the table

I was back at the stream again. I went through the water and saw the silhouette. I got a bit closer to it. I could tell that it was a girl but as I was about to get even closer it all started fading again.
~End of dream~

I woke up at my desk. This dream is haunting me. Who could that be in the cave? I looked over and saw that it was 2 in the morning so I got up and jumped into bed. It felt weird though. By now (y/n) and I would be cuddling. I would be sleeping on her chest, listening to her heartbeat. I always felt safer when I was with her. I slowly fell asleep thinking about

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