Getting (y/n) back

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Zeke's (p/o/v)
I was with Carlos, Willa and Wyatt explaining what was going on
"So wait, (y/n) was calling herself Scarlett?" Wyatt asked
"Yeah, and it was as if she had two voices" Carlos said
"How is that possible?" Willa asked
"Because it's the curse" I said
"What curse?" Wyatt asked
"Okay, when I was still in my youth I had conned a bunch of powerful people. One of which was a great wizard. He had cursed me with a... let's just call it a 'dark side' of sorts"
"But how does it affect (Y/n)?" Carlos asked
"It was passed onto her. I discovered Scarlett when she was just a lil pup. Always having nightmares, screaming her name at night."
"So why did she say that neither you nor Jay can save her? Jay knows about her?" Carlos asked
"Yes, he does. She asked him to keep it a secret"
"Okay, this is all a bit confusing" Willa said
"Well right now we just need to find her and get (y/n) back before it's too late" I said
"Why? Can't (y/n) go against her?" Wyatt asked
"She can but I don't think she knows she's strong enough. We need to help her. Build her up. You saw how she was when Carlos said to say she doesn't love him, she was fighting her"
"Why?" Carlos asked
"My guessing is because she really cares about you, even though I don't see it" I said while looking at him
"Okay, so we just need to get the people she cares about here and then what?" Wyatt asked
"We need to help her go against Scarlett. She's going to need a lot of people. Scarlett has gotten stronger so it's going to be even more difficult for her"
"I'll call the gang from Auradon" Carlos said
"In the meantime, we need to go and look for her" Willa said
"Once we have, we'll bring her down here so we can get her back"
"Okay let's go" Willa said. The two of us went into the forest to look for her. I hope we find her soon

Scar's (p/o/v)
I had gone to the fence on the edge of the forbidden forest having a very mental conversation with a certain someone
"You really are annoying" I said
"I'm not gonna let you hurt them Scar"
"It's only a matter of time before you become weak. I'm sure our battle took a lot outta ya"
"I'm fine. And I told you, I've grown since the last time"
"That does not mean anything"
"Yes it does. I know how to get to you Scar, I can take you on"
"Keep on dreaming"
"You know it Scar, don't deny it"
"Yeah whatever" I heard footprints from a distance. Must be looking for me. I decided to see if I could find a place for me to hide out. But where to? All her spots would be obvious and Zombie town is a no go. Ugh, if only I was on the isle. There were plenty of places for a person to lay low. I guess I'll just use the trees. They are tall and sturdy. And I would be well hidden. Okay, I went to find the tallest looking tree, which was hard but settled on a good looking one. I stuck my claws in the bark and climbed. Finding a good, sturdy branch, I sat down. I was really high up. Like maybe 6ft? And the view was okay I guess. Soon the footsteps got closer and closer. I pray nobody looks up

Zeke's (p/o/v)
I know she's around here. I just know it. Her scent is nearby. I looked around as if someone was there. But she's not it doesn't make any sense. I continued onward hoping I could find something
"Did you find her?" Willa asked
"No but I can tell she's close"
"At least we're on the right track to finding her. I found some footprints leading east. They might lead us to her"
"okay let's go" We followed them
"they stop here" she said
"I can sense she's here but- argh it just doesn't make sense" I said
"Wait look on the tree" there were some claw marks on the bark
"So it means" We both looked up and there she was
"She's slick. Respect" Willa said
"We know you up there Scarlett"
"I'll get her down" Willa began to climb up

Scar's (p/o/v)
Oh great. Here we go
"You're really smart girlie. I like that" I said with a smirk
"Thanks. Now are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?" she asked
"I'd like to try the hard way"
"Well you asked for it" as I was about to whoop her butt a little annoying voice kicked in
"Don't do it Scarlett!" she screamed
"Oh I'm gonna do it baby" she continued to scream and I couldn't focus. I felt her grab me and I lost my balance. We both fell to the ground, so glad I was able to cushion her fall as she was on top of me. (Y/n)'s gonna feel that tomorrow morning
"(Y/n) if you can here me I'm so sorry" she said. Old man grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. Dang I never knew he was that strong
"we have to get her back to the den. Quick" he held me the whole way there. I tried to get out of his grip but it only tightened.

Carlos's (p/o/v)
After the call with jay I could tell he was upset. I didn't tell him about the part where I cheated on (y/n) but he was furious when I talked about Scarlett. I'm gonna have a lot of explaining to do after this. Mr Wolf and Willa walked in with (y/n) on his shoulder. Or should I say Scarlett
"Thank God you found her. " I said
"Yeah. When are they arriving?" He asked
"Soon, very soon."
"We should take her down so she doesn't escape again" Willa said
"Okay let's go" everyone came with Wyatt and Mr Wolf placed her down

Third person's (p/o/v)
Everybody surrounded her in a circle. She had nowhere else to turn. She was trapped
"Don't worry (y/n) we're here okay" Jay said
"This isn't gonna work the little girl is too weak" Scar said
"No she's not Scar. She strong and brave and fearless" her dad said
"Yeah and yet I'm here so not so brave and fearless as you think"
"(Y/n) you have to fight her okay! We're here! All of us!" Evie said
"She doesn't stand a chance!" Scar said
"Yes you do (y/n). You know you can!" Mal said
"Please (y/n). Fight her with everything you've got" Willa said
"Remember you have people now!" her dad said
"People who love you" Jay said
"People who care about you" Mal said
"People who depend on you" Wyatt said
"People who need you!" Evie said. That's when she began to fight. Her
eyes were changing from (eye color) to dark. She held the sides of her
head as she began to growl
"Come on (y/n), we believe in you!" Jay said
"I-I can't! She's too strong!" she said in her normal voice
"You're stronger (y/n)! Don't let her take you away from us! We need you! I need you!" Carlos said finally. And that was enough for her to fight. A dark fog began to form around and a blindingly bright light illuminated from the smoke. As it dispersed she stood there weary.
Scar was finally gone

An: I'm sorry this chapter is terrible, had some writer's block and I wanted to finish this chapter😔

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