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Your (p/o/v)
Now I was back at the den. I met this adorable little girl. Willow. She's amazing. Memory is coming back. Slowly but surely. Everyone has been so kind and helpful. And I love all the stories I'm hearing. Especially from Jay. He and I seemed to make a great team back then. Even if it was stealing and all. Carlos seemed, I don't know weird. Or maybe that's how he is in general? We haven't really talked much. Which I plan to change soon
"Hey (y/n/n)." I heard Willow say
"Hello Willow. What are you doing in my room?" I asked
"Oh sorry. Your friends are here to see you"
"Which friends exactly?"
"Zed and his crew"
"Oh cool. I'll be right out" she skipped out. Adorable. I met with my friends
"Hey guys. What's with the unexpected visit?"
"Well we wanted to take you out and see if any memories could resurface" Zed said
"Alright. Let's go!" They took me to a froyo shop. The flavors were crazy. I got (flavor). Then we went to the school. This place really was familiar. I just hope my memory comes back soon.

I was chilling in my room when Carlos walked in
"Hey Carlos" I said
"Oh sup"
"Nothing much. Wat about you"
"Same I guess"
"Cool cool" this was so awkward
"So um I wanna ask you something" I said
"Okay shoot" he said and sat down next to me
"How did we first meet?" I asked
"Oh um well. We were really young of course and what happened was that I was getting shaken down by Harry and Gil. Then you came and threatened them to leave me alone and they ran away. I will never forget the scared looks on their faces" he said as he laughed. He is so adorable
"Wow I really was a badass huh" I said
"Was? You still are" he said. That made me blush a little
"Thanks Carlos" I said and began to play with my necklace
"Still wearing the necklace huh"
"Yeah. I'm just really attached to it. Do you know the story behind it?"
"Yeah. I gave you that necklace on our first date after we left the isle" his expression seemed to fall
"Wow. How was our first date?"
"It was perfect." His eyes became glossy
"Carlos are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about it"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah yeah"
"Okay. Well I'm going to find my dad. See you later" I said and walked out of the room

Carlos's (p/o/v)
As she left I broke into tears. Seeing her like that is so painful. She doesn't remember us. What we had.
"Hey Carlos. What's wrong?" I looked up and saw Wynter by the door
"Oh hey Wynter" she sat next to me
"Carlos what's wrong?" She asked
"It's just... (y/n) was asking me some questions and knowing she doesn't remember is so painful it's like she doesn't remember our story."
"Carlos she will remember-"
"But what if she doesn't Wynter. What if she doesn't remember that she loves me"
"Don't think like Carlos. She's your mate, she could never forget her love for you" she gave me a hug as I cried
"Don't worry Carlos. She's gonna be okay"
"Thanks Wynter.  Sorry you had to see this" I let go of her
"It's fine Carlos." She smiled at me as she held my hands. That's when I did something

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