(Y/n)'s back

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Your (p/o/v)
I finally did it. I defeated her. I felt myself falling but Carlos caught me
"Hey I got you okay" he said
"Thank you" I whispered
"You need some rest." I nodded. He lifted me up. Soon I felt him lay me down and cover me with a blanket. I grabbed his wrist
"Please stay" I asked giving my best puppy eyes
"Okay" he joined me and soon we were spooning. I felt safe in his arms.

Carlos (p/o/v)
It felt so good to hold her. This must be how she feels whenever she holds me. It's a good feeling. Now I'm just wondering how I'm going to explain what happened with the gang. Especially Jay. Oh he's gonna kill me when finds out I cheated on (y/n). And let's not get started on Mal and Evie. Now I'm in serious trouble
~a few hours later~
I was still holding (y/n) when her dad walked in
"Hello De Vil. How's my lil pup doing?" he asked
"She's doing alright sir. Just a little jump here and there"
"Okay well your friends want to speak with you so do you think you could pry yourself from her?"
"Will do sir. Just give me about 5 minutes"
"Okay" he walked out. I began wriggling out of (y/n)'s arms. Even though I knew what was gonna happen. I wish she was there to protect me. Kinda made me think about 'accidentally' waking her up so she could go with me. But I knew I couldn't. I should just face whatever comes to me. Even if it's one of my closest friends beating the life out of me. I saw her dad waiting for me outside.
"So uh did you tell them?" I asked. Well whispered really
"No, I would much rather watch you tell them and see if Jay will kill you or not" he said with a shrug
"You really think he would though?"
"Well (y/n)'s like a little sister to him. How would you feel if someone did that to someone you cared about as much?"
"Exactly. But don't worry if push comes to shove I'll make sure he does as little damage as possible"
"Wait really?"
"Yeah De Vil. I don't want (y/n) hating me again because I didn't protect her little boyfriend" I wasn't really sure if he was being serious or messing with me
"Oh well thank you"
"Don't mention it. Come on" he led me to where everybody was. I could already tell Jay was a bit upset about the situation. I really hope Mr Wolf was serious about protecting me
"Okay. We're here" he said
"Good, now can someone please tell me what happened to (y/n)?" Jay asked
"Maybe you should ask Carlos about that" Wyatt said
"What? Why?" Mal asked
"Well Carlos?" Evie asked
"Okay well. Something happened that shouldn't have happened. And feelings got hurt and mistakes were made" I began rambling
"Stop beating around the bush De Vil" Mr wolf said
"Okay. The truth is I kissed another girl in front of (y/n)" I said really quickly. I could tell that Jay and Evie didn't understand but Mal got it all
"You did what! How could you do that Carlos!" her eyes were turning a dangerous green
"It was a mistake it wasn't supposed to happen"
"But it did happen! How could you cheat on (Y/N)!" and that's when I knew that my existence had come to an end. I had a good run
"Excuse me!" Jay screamed
"He kissed another girl in front of (y/n)!" Mal explained.
"Did you?" Evie asked
"Yeah I did"
"I'm gonna kill you" he was about to grab me but someone stopped him
"Okay. Alright calm down Jay" it was Mr Wolf. He actually was protecting me
"How can I?! He broke her! HE brought Scarlett back!" he screamed
"Yes and HE helped her defeat Scar. That has to count for something"
"Not in my book! Just let me at him! One punch! Just one!"
"Oh boy, I'm taking him out to let off some steam. Try not to kill him while I'm gone" he dragged Jay outside. I didn't know whether to be relieved that he didn't let him hurt me or scared that he left me with Mal and Evie who could probably do as much damage
"Guys I'm really sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt her" I said
"Then why did you?" Evie asked. She was the only one who was being calm and reasonable
"It just happened. I was feeling vulnerable with her being in the hospital then losing her memory. The feeling of not being with her just broke me"
"Carlos, I'm so sorry you went through that" she said
"It's okay E. I guess I kinda deserve it"
"No you don't C. Nobody deserves that kind of pain in their life" Mal said
"Yeah. But the fact that you were willing to go through it proves just
how much you love her" Evie said
"I really do. And I don't want to lose her again" I said
"You won't Carlos" Willa said
"Yeah. What the two of you have is strong. And I don't think it could ever be broken" Wyatt said
"You really think that?" I asked him
"We all do" he said
"Thanks guys. Really" I said
"Now go on and be with her" Evie said. I smiled at them and went back to our room. I found her sitting at the edge of the bed. Her head down looking at her hand
"Hey, when'd you wake up?" I asked
"I'm sorry C" she said without at me
"For what?"
"For all the pain I've caused you"
"You heard everything?" I asked
"Since you walked out"
"(Y/n), you don't have to be sorry for anything. It's not like you wanted any of it to happen"
"I know but I still feel like I-"
"Don't okay. (Y/n) I would do anything for you. I would take a bullet for you. I would give myself up just so you'd be safe. You're my everything. My reason to live. My ride or die"
"Really?" she asked looking at me with her glossy eyes
"Absolutely" she engulfed me in a hug
"I love you Carlos Oscar De Vil"
"I love you too (Your full name) Wolf" and we just stayed like that

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