Ritual Birthday Party

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Your (p/o/v)
I was awoken by kisses on the cheek. I opened my eyes and saw Carlos smiling down on me
"Good morning birthday girl"he said
"Morning. Is it today?"I asked
"Of course and I wanted to be the first to say Happy Birthday"
"Thanks Babe...can I spend my birthday in bed?"
"Not this time. Come on" he dragged me out of bed
"Carlos, I'm still in my pjs"
"So? You still look beautiful to me" he said
"You are so sweet and cheesy" he led me to the dining hall
"Go on..." he said. I opened the French doors
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I saw most wolves there. Including Jonathan
"Thanks you guys...I seriously wasn't expecting this"
"Well you deserve it" Wynter said
"Happy Birthday Darling" Jonathan came and engulfed me in a hug
"Thank you Jonathan. Whose idea was this?"
"Wyatt's with a little help from someone" Willa said
"Really?" I asked
"Yeah, we made your favorites plus my dad created a special birthday milkshake for you" Wyatt said
"Yep, a special mix in honor of our Alpha" Jonathan said. They lead me to my seat. I saw all my favorites and a purple milkshake
"Go on. I want you to tell me what you think" said Jonathan. I took a sip and tasted flavors I have never had before.
"So how is it?" he asked
"It's delicious. I love it. Thank you" I dug in and finished the milkshake. Best thing I have ever tasted.

I was about to leave when I was stopped by Carlos"Wait up" he came and hugged my waist"Let's walk together" he said"Uhm okay?" we walked to seabrook high hand in hand"Well I guess this is my stop" I said"Have a good day okay?" he said as he kissed...

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I was about to leave when I was stopped by Carlos
"Wait up" he came and hugged my waist
"Let's walk together" he said
"Uhm okay?" we walked to seabrook high hand in hand
"Well I guess this is my stop" I said
"Have a good day okay?" he said as he kissed my forehead
"I will"
"Bye babe"
"Bye"he left
"Mcaww young love"Bree said as the group came up behind me
"I think you guys are even cuter than Addison and Zed"Eliza said
"I don't know about that"I said
"You guys are"Addi said
"Alright well let's head to class"
"Oh could you come and watch our practice later?" Zed asked
"Uhm why?"I asked
"Well I want to show you the new strategy we've been working on" he said nervously
"Isn't that the coach's job?" I asked
"Just come and watch. We need some constructive criticism" he begged
"Ok fine I'll come but you owe me lunch after school"
"Fine" he said
~at practice~
I was sitting by the bleachers with Eliza staring at my phone. I didn't get any birthday messages from my friends in Auradon. I tried calling them but they all went to voicemail. It kinda hurt. Did they seriously forget my birthday? I saw the players and cheerleaders come onto the field.
"You ready (Y/n)?"Addi shouted
"Yeah whatever"they started making the usual formation but as the whistle blew they started dancing around along with the cheerleaders
"What in the..."I whispered to myself. They created a weird formation and all held papers that spelt 'Happy Birthday (Y/n)!'
"Happy birthday!"they all said
"Guys...what?"I asked in shock
"You didn't think we forgot did you?"Addi asked. Everyone dispersed except for my friends
"That was amazing"I said as I hugged them
"Just a little something to show how much we appreciate you"Eliza said
"Thanks you guys"
"So anyone up for some birthday lunch?"Zed asked
"You know I am"everyone laughed. We went to a small café and got (favorite food). We all had fun. I got a message from Wyatt saying I should head back to the den
"Well I guess I should go"I said. We all hugged and I rushed to the Den. I was met with Carlos
"Hey your finally back"he hugged me
"Yeah I got text from Wyatt saying to come back"I said
"Oh yeah. Well there's something I need to show you. Close your eyes"
"Okay?"he was guiding me. We stopped after a while
"Alright open them...now"I slowly opened them to be met with...
"Surprise!"My friends from Auradon all there
"Wha..."I was speechless
"Happy Birthday"they all said
"You guys are unbelievable"I said
"Like we would forget your birthday"Jay said as he side hugged me
"I should have known something was up when you didn't answer my calls"I said as I poked him on the chest
"All a part of the plan"Evie said
"Who's plan was it?"I asked. Everyone looked at Carlos
"Surprise"He kissed my cheek
"What did I do to deserve a boyfriend like you?"I asked. Mal and Evie awed at the scene
"Well let's get you ready for your ritual"Evie said
"Yeah. Evie made you a dress for the occasion"Mal said
"Of course you did"I said
"It's what I'm known for"she said
"Okay boys, get out now. This is girl time"they shoed away the guys and got me fitted. I had no makeup of course. I love my natural look
(A/n: Love your natural self, Alpha Queens)

 I love my natural look(A/n: Love your natural self, Alpha Queens)

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I was ready. There was a knock on the door
"Come in"I said. Wyatt walked in
"Hey are you ready?"he asked
"Yes she is. See you out there"Mal said. She and Evie left the room
"You look really good in a gown you know?"he said playfully
"Yeah well don't get used to it"I said with a smirk as he chuckled
"So what's going to happen now?"I asked
"Well the elders will perform a ritual. Basicallyyour mark shall appear and our ancestors will be with you"
"Okay sounds simple enough"there was a knock on the door
"Come in"I said. My dad walked in wearing a formal tux
"I'll leave you two alone"Wyatt said as he slipped out of the room
"Look at my little pup. When did you grow to be this fine young lady"
"Dad. You clean up nice"
"Well almost"he had a tie in his hand
"Need some help I'm assuming?"I asked as I took the tie and started putting it around his neck
"Hey, it's been a while since I wore one of these. And your mother always did them for me"
"So you never learned?"
"No I did not"I giggled as I fastened it
"You really have grown up. I regret most of the years I wasn't a real father to you"
"Well I guess we didn't make it easy on each other and we had no excuse for it"
"Well I and I promise that I will be a real father to you"he held my hands
"Thanks daddy"I kissed his cheek
"Now come on. You can't keep the people waiting" he said
"Alright let's do this" he escorted me into the Lime Woods
(A/N: I just named this special area, I know it's weird)
Everyone was gathered. It's weird how it felt like my wedding. Anyway, we made it forward to to Delilah. She was the oldest of the elders. I knelt down before her. She began chanting an ancient mantra to the ancestors. Then lifted my head and painted on some pattern on me

 Then lifted my head and painted on some pattern on me

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I was then handed a bowl of spirit water to drink. The name is legit, I felt something come to me as I drank. Finally she took my hands and again began chanting the mantra
"It is done. Step forward" she said. I did as told and stood beside her. All the wolves howled and I felt my hair and eyes glow. I saw them. The ancestors surrounding us. Including my mom. She was right beside me. Then they disappeared as the wolves stopped howling
"My dear alpha. They have accepted you. You are now one of us. And shall forever be protected"
"Thank you Elder Delilah" she smiled at me. The elders had left us to celebrate the rest of the night. This was by far the best birthday ever

A/n: I forgot to mention that both you and Carlos got a mark on your cheeks the next day. Heres what it looks like btw

 Heres what it looks like btw

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