A sign

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Carlos (p/o/v)
I woke up to a nightmare. I had sweat rolling down my forehead as I tried to control my breathing. I checked the time and saw that it was fairly early. Around 7. I didn't feel like going to sleep in fear of having another nightmare. I grabbed (y/n)'s phone and unlocked it. Her password was (shipname). She didn't want to admit that she liked it but she used it anyway. I went to her gallery. She had so many pictures. I set the phone to slideshow and watched as her photos faded from one to another. She was so beautiful. Her smile, the sparkle in her eyes, her natural look in general was beautiful. It took almost 2 hours to see all her pictures. There was a knock at the door. I got up and answered. It was Willa
"Hey Carlos, there's something you need to hear" she said
"Okay let me change and I will be right there"
"Okay. We're in Wyatt's room"
"Cool" I quickly changed and went in. I saw all three of them discussing something
"What's going on?" I asked
"You need to hear this" Wynter said
"Okay talk"
"Well last night I had this weird dream about a cave hidden behind a waterfall somewhere in the woods. I saw the silhouette of a girl just laying there" Wyatt said
"That's weird because I had the exact same dream last night too. But when I tried getting closer to the body-"
"You would wake up right?" Willa asked
"Well Willa and I had the exact same dream" Wynter said
"How is that possible?"
"I don't know. Maybe it's a sign" Wyatt said
"Is there a waterfall around here?"I asked
"Yeah I remember (Y/n) and I found a stream which lead to a waterfall a few weeks back. Maybe that's the place" he said
"So we go check it out"
"Actually Carlos you and Willa need to stay. The elders are having a meeting about the disappearance of the Alpha" Wyatt said
"Oh right" Willa said
"Okay then. Wyatt and Wynter will go with my friends to the waterfall and check it out" I said
"Yeah. Then we'll come back with any new info" Wynter said
"Okay, I'll tell them" I stepped out and texted
'Hey, you guys we might have found something. Get to the den ASAP'
'On our way'
"Carlos come on"Willa called
"Coming"I said

Wyatt's (p/o/v)
I saw Jay and Mal enter the Den
"Hey, we got Carlos's text saying you guys found something?" Jay asked
"We think so" I said
"We just need to go somewhere" Wynter said
"Let's get going" Mal said. We left in search of this water fall
~30 minutes later~
We finally found the spot. It was the exact place we all saw in our dreams. Wynter and I stripped down to our swimsuits and dove into the cold water. We went through the waterfall and found the cave. The silhouette was there. As we got closer we could see that it was a body of a women. We got closer. I slightly touched the body. They didn't move. I turned the person to their back. It was (y/n)
"Oh no" Wynter said
"Where's her moonstone?" I asked
"She doesn't have it. Which means..." Wynter couldn't finish. I was terrified. She wasn't breathing. I put my ear to her chest. Her heart was still beating but it seemed slower
"We need to get her to a hospital" I said as I picked her up bridal style. Her skin was so cold to touch. I carried her through the falls. We went back to the two
"What happened?" Mal asked
"We found her inside just lying there and I don't think she's breathing" I said. Jay took her from my grasp as we changed into our clothes
"She doesn't have her moonstone which means she's weak" Wynter said
"Come on. She needs medical attention now" Jay said. We all ran to Seabrook hospital
"Help, Somebody Help Please!" I said. A nurse came
"We need a stretcher stat!" She yelled. More nurses came and took her. They wouldn't let us go with her so we had to stay in the waiting room. I hope we got her in time

A/n: I know it's short but it's better than nothing.💔

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