Broken glass

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I looked and saw a very old looking man standing in the corner with the support of his walking stick.

The old man☝️

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The old man☝️

"You think he's the culprit?" Officer Smith asked after a long silence which almost made me jump.

I thought for a while and answered "We'll see..." Then I kicked the dust and zoomed off in the direction of the old man.

I heard Officer Smith calling me from behind but I couldn't care less. When I reached the old man I said to him " Good morning sir" and took out a small pack from my pocket and gave it to him.

"My mother told me to give this to you. It's some cookies that she made."

The man smiled at me took the pack opened it up started eating and through a muffled voice he said "um. T-thank you my d-dear. Mm mmmmm.... Been a long time since I tasted some thing mmmmm soooo good! Your mother must be a chef! Say thanks to her on behalf of me" 

I said to him " yeah... my mom's actually not a chef but she does good anyway... Seems like a long time you're using that stick are you?"  I questioned.

He said: "yessss I've been using it since the last ten years... Bad luck! My knee pain never seems to go away.."

He paused with a grunt to show how much he hated the stick and his knee pain.

I made my excuse:- "hmmm okay! Anyways I've gotta go now. Someone's waiting for me. So good day sir!"
He smiled at me, I returned it and approached a confused looking Mr. Smith.

"Why did you give him cookies? He could've been dangerous!  Don't you know kids shouldn't go near strangers, and as for your mom excuse , it's a lie isn't it?!"

OMG! He's asking so many questions at once!
I replied:- " woah woah! Stop Mr. Smith! Whatever I did, I have my reasons okay?"

At that he gave me a explain yourself look.

So I said:- "look Mr Smith that poor old man isn't the culprit. And his looks, thats how he really looks, it isn't a disguise. I know it. If you don't believe me, I can prove it if you want to..."
I trailed off..
Mr Smith said:- "fine then. Prove it!"

"The old man said he's using his stick for 10 years now. He has big scars on his hands to prove that, which are real. He barely has any teeth and all his teeth are fake ones. Proving he's old for real. His hair is also real cuz it's a windy day today and even if he was a risky thief wearing a wig, he would've attached it. But no, there are no attachments. Is this much enough for you to believe or do you want more?" I said.

Mr Smith's jaw dropped by this and sure enough, he believed me and asked; "how the... How did you find all that just by having a small conversation?"
I explained to him:- "I gave the cookies to take a look at his palms for scars, surely they were there. I asked him about his stick and he said he had it for 10 years, it's true, or he wouldn't have those scars.

I made him eat the cookies to check his teeth which are fake and tend to get loose while chewing.


Mr Smith stopped me by saying:
"okay okay, I believe you, now enough of your detective work. This isn't a thing for little ones like you. Go home kid. I have a culprit to look for"

Huh! How rude! I was fuming with anger! I was gonna leave him there but just then we heard a huge sound of breaking glass!

How did the glass break?

Was it fake?

Will Ria and Officer Smith catch the real culprit?

To be continued....

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