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I gasped in shock.

I ran back in, threw the hair brush on my bed, grabbed my phone and hastily descended the stairs.

"Yuck! what is that smell?" I heard dad ask mom in the living room.

"I don't know hon, that smell is there for the past one hour now and no matter how many times I use the air freshener, the smell just outwits it" I heard mom say in a disgusted voice.

Ohh I can only guess what this smell is.

"Ria? Where are you going at this hour?" Mom asked on seeing me, whilst checking the clock.

"my math notebook fell down from the balcony! Going to get it back" I lied, not looking at mom.

I slipped on my flipflops and opened the door.

The cold rush of the air immediately made me shiver.

I switched on my mobile flashlight and began walking cautiously.

Did I ever mention that i have nyctophobia?


I have that stupid thing.

Nyctophobia is the extreme fear of darkness.

And in my case, the fear of being alone in the dark.

More like, being alone and fearing things in the dark. It's a trick of your own mind really where your brain starts its never ending imagination and creates ghosts, skulls, creepy black hands and whatnot.

Then your brain tricks you into thinking that these stuff are real and coming after you when its dark.

That's exactly what I'm afraid of.

It's okay if I'm not alone, the darkness wouldn't scare me. But this, i was alone.

But it wasn't that bad since I had my mobile flashlight.

I tried ignoring the dark and focusing on my path. Our backyard was a bit big so it took a while to reach the spot.

The wind blew a bit stronger, causing the chestnut trees in our backyard to sway and rustle.

I looked up.

The cold night was dimly lit by the full moon. I trembled as the cold wind blew on my face.

After walking for a while, I saw it.

An involuntary shiver ran down my spine as I approached.

It looked disgusting.

I went closer.

The moon light glistening off the blood, there laid the unicorn, creepy and scary enough to get the shit out of anyone.

The scene honestly looked a lot like a clash between something from a horror and a vampire movie.


Because the unicorn wasn't on the ground. It was inside something like a wooden box without a lid that resembled a coffin, like a vampire's and to add the horror effect, the unicorn was covered in blood like I said.

I edged closer.

The unicorn looked pitiful, it's pink colour long gone and now in a shade of deep red.

Not red colour, but blood.

On the top part of the coffin, there was something like a gravestone.

Here lies the unicorn that you gave to your cousin.

I read.

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