Perks and 'non-perks' of getting-so-called-kidnapped

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I quietly started walking into the living room when dad caught me and said "Ria, you shouldn't go in like that, you are a mess. Go and wash up, come downstairs, well have a little talk then we'll have dinner" I nodded in agreement cuz I was stinking... Ewww....

I ran upstairs as dad went in to the living room. I quickly showered. Then I opened the cupboard as I took in the familiar scent of my masterpiece-not-so-tidy closet and started searching for something comfortable.

After a long search, I found a black harry potter t-shirt and a pair of black loose fitting leggings. I threw them on and dashed into the living room, bracing myself for the worst.

I walked in and saw a lady sitting on the couch. Her light-brown-almost blonde-hair was untamed and her side swept bangs were falling into her eyes. She had covered her face in her hands and dad was comforting her.

Feeling my presence, she looked up, her beautiful green eyes filled with tears. She stood up and in a fast sprint, embraced me in a bone crushing hug, while she continued to sob.

Nevertheless to say, this was my mom.
I was kinda disappointed with myself that I made my mom cry. I almost cried myself while I watched as her tears stained her rosy cheeks. I loved her so much. I may seem like a badass but I always had and still have a soft spot for my family and friends.

After a long moment she finally let me go and instead of tears, this time I saw pure fury in her eyes. Gosh! Was I in trouble!

She started with her never ending lecture; "Ria! Do you even know how much you scared me! I thought I'll never get you, my daughter back!

And you, you just never care about how I or your dad were worried about you! You left at 7 in the morning and you are coming back at 6 in the evening? Your school called asking why you were absent!

Oh and your friend Elena! Poor thing! She looked so pale when she heard that you were missing! She cares about you, we care about you!

Why cant you understand? Why are you putting yourself in danger? Your dad told me everything!

That's it!
You are grounded for 2 months.

You wont be going anywhere except for your school, gymnastics and ballet classes.

Now go on, go and eat something and then go straight to bed. Clear?"

There was no way I could outwit my mom in talking. So I shook my head saying yes and headed towards the dining room.

The three of us ate in silence, except for the occasional clings of knives and forks on the plates breaking the silence. Once we were done, I sprinted upstairs fearing mom will start another lecture.

I layed on my bed, re-thinking everything that happened today.

That's when it came to me!... Elena! Mom said she was worried sick about me! I sat up and picked up my phone to see that it had 47 missed calls alone from Elena, 8 missed calls from dad and 6 from mom.

Along with that there where a 100 text messages from Elena.

I was flabbergasted!

Never thought this was this serious!

I heard a soft click.

Suddenly someone engulfed me from behind.. OMG! Was I being kidnapped again? I whipped around and saw a familiar streak of long brown locks. Speak of your best friend! Elena! I immediately hugged her back.

Elena let go of me and gave me a where in the world were you look.

I gave her an awkward smile. But nope... She didn't buy it. The corners of her mouth twitched as she shout-whispered;

"Ria! Where or what were you doing??? Your dad said you were kidnapped! You are being careless you know! Stop being an airy fairy and be more careful! You scared the entire fashion out of me!!"

Okay.. so dad doesn't want Elena to know what really happened. But she is my best friend, is a total cupcake, who had a motto of being sweet-polite-kind and would never talk like this if she wasn't in a serious shock.

So I explained everything thing to her including every nook and corner of what happened.

After I finished Elena tried to look serious as possible buuuut the smile playing on her lips gave it away...

She said; "Dear me! That was not very fun Ria.. you could have been kil..."

I cut her off. "Oh just stop Elena! I'm tired of hearing that! Everyone had been telling me the same thing!" Oops! I didn't mean to be that harsh..

"Sorry.." I muttered.

Elena nodded.

"Oh well... Look on the bright side! At least I escaped from that math test!" I sing-songed.

Elena laughed at that and said: "You did, but professor James said he's talking a retest for everyone because no one had really studied. So you'll get the golden chance to write it!"

Huh... Elena really knows to be sarcastic at times.

I made an annoying face. Why the hell does the professor need to take a retest?!

Then looking defeated Elena said; "hmmm.... Whatever.. So you're grounded, aren't you?"

I gravely nodded.

Elena let a chuckle slip. Seeing my face she immediately regretted it and tried to divert my attention.

I decided to play along and asked: "Elena, it's 9.30 pm. What are you doing here at this hour then?"

She replied; "Ria! You forgot we were doing our homework together this evening?? Since you went missing I didn't come. But at least I had to check on your parents! They were really worried!"

I said "So long story short; you came to meet my parents, not me.." I pretended to be upset and made a face at her.

"No no, that's not it! I was just.. I didn't knew you'd be here, and..." She stopped when she saw my amused face.

"Ria! You were making me worry for nothing!"

Then both of us burst out into fits of laughter. We laughed so hard that when someone knocked on the door we were way out of breath to answer and were laying down on the floor, panting.

The door opened to reveal the curious and confused face of my mom.

"What's so funny here?" She asked, struggling to hold back a small smile.

"Nothing!" Elena and I chorused.

"Okay, Elena sweetie, your mom is here to pick you up." Mom said.

I and Elena let out sighs as we hugged and said our goodbyes.

But the next morning isn't going to be that easy. I thought to myself as I crept under my blankets and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

To be continued......

A/N: Sorry guys, this chapter wasn't that intersting... But still. Next time I'll try to make it more interesting.

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