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Unknown POV

It was wasn't that hot but me and my partner were sweating very much.

But that couldn't bother me less because I was too focused on the fact that we were assigned to follow a teenager girl! Such a stupid job.

We were hiding inside a bush and watching the girl walk past us.


I felt vibrations. More vibrations.

That's when I realised it was just my phone ringing.

I picked up and a deep, husky voice asked me;

"You found the girl?"

"Yes boss, we're following her. We'll fill you in if something happens."

"Be careful, she's a bit on the attentive and intelligent side. It'll be a problem if she sees you both." He warned.

"Okay boss. There's no way she'll see us and even if she does; we are under heavy disguise. She won't be able recognise how we really look." I assured him.

"We're changing the plan. Don't talk to her now. Just keep on following her. Don't let anyone near her and also make sure you don't loose her. Don't forget; she shouldn't have a scratch on her when I see her. She's way too precious for us. So protect her." He muttered.

"Very well boss. We'll keep an eye on her." I said.

I heard heavy footsteps; I turned around and saw that a blonde boy ran upto the girl and hugged her. They laughed, talked and continued walking.

"Boss, a blonde haired boy is hugging her. They are laughing and talking."

I said frantically, afraid that something was gonna go wrong and the girl will get hurt and me and my partner will be fired.

"Don't worry must be some friend of hers." The husky voice replied.

I calmed myself.

The call ended and I updated my partner of what our boss had instructed.

We kept on following her. The boy was still close by her heels, blabbering about something.

Both of them went inside a building.

It started raining and we took shelter under a tree.

The rain stopped. There was a puddle of water right next to us. I sighed as I looked at my almost bald head which was now covered by a dark black wig.

My partner consoled me. He wasn't bald like I was. But he had covered his own beautiful brown hair with an ugly hat.

We saw that the girl whom we were supposed to follow come out of the building. She was still with that blonde boy and he was still blabbering.

How can anyone have such patience that they can hear someone blabber continuosly??! This girl was something! No wonder my boss says she is one of a kind.

Suddenly a car pulled up next to them. The blonde boy got in and he pulled the girl by her hand into the car but she didn't want to get in.

This smells trouble!

A/N: How many of you would consider this chapter mysterious?? I tried to make it as mysterious as possible! It's kinda short. But hope you enjoy!

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