Something's not right

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The whole room went quiet again.

Me, being the teenager I am, was struggling to sit at one place for so long and was also getting bored.

I wish I had my Nintendo switch or something.

"Dismissed!" Walter said.

Everyone got up in sync and the scraping of chairs replaced the room's silence.

Within seconds, the room was cleared and the only ones left were me, Jerry and Ivan.

"So. There's a reason why we brought you here Ria" Jerry said.

I listened still not paying full attention.

Wait?! Did he just say Ria?

I shot my head up and frowned.

This must have to do something with Sebastian.

"Yes, you Ria" Jerry repeated, fiddling with his fingers.

"Why? Does this have to do anything with Sebastian?" I spoke my first words after stepping foot inside this place.

Ivan looked surprised and turned his face away.

"Yes. It does have to do with Sebastian" Walter said.

"But I don't even know who this Sebastian guy is execpt for the fact that he was your new boss and that he asked you to keep an eye on me" I said, looking over to Jerry.

But why did he wanted to keep an eye on me anyway?

"Good observation skills" Jerry laughed.

I gave a slight smile.

"So. We don't know why he asked to keep a watch on you but whatever it is it's dangerous for you because Sebastian isn't a guy with good intentions." Walter spoke, his voice echoing through the room and it gave a movie effect as it was raining outside too.

"But boss, he said you asked him to step in as the boss if something happens to you!" Jerry exclaimed.

"What?" Walter looked completely confused.

"Yes" Jerry said in a small voice.

My gut tells me something's not right.

"H-he even showed us a signed contract which had your signature b-boss" Jerry stuttered.

"He must have forged it" I said calmly.

Walter grunted.

"Sebastian is my sworn enemy. Don't let him into the company again" he said.

I saw Jerry and Ivan relax visibly.

I guess Walter has a bad temper?

"He's been after everything that I have since we were kids" Walter spoke, as though trying to control himself.

"My grades, my family, my friends and now my company" He went on.

"Even Ms. Katherine?" Jerry asked like a little kid.

A light pink tint flew to Walter's cheeks.

Jerry looked scared.

Walter shot a glare at him which shut him out completely.

I giggled.

Katherine must be his girlfriend or wife maybe? Who knows..

Walter shifted his gaze to me.

"Sorry!" I chimed.

He gave a small smile before continuing; "Well, he'll do anything to get me but I don't understand why he's after Ria"

"Do you think Richards has something to do with this?" Ivan, who was quiet this whole while, asked.

"You mean, Mr Logan Richards? The commander?" I asked.

"Why do you have to know everything?" Jerry chuckled.

"Well of course I know everything" I grinned.

"Well, Richards may have something to do with this since Ria helped him catch the thug gang" Walter said with another small smile.

"Wait? You guys know that?" I was surprised.

"You aren't the only one who knows everything" Jerry said, stifling a laugh in his mouth.

I was quiet for a while.

Why would Mr. Richards tell Sebastian about me?

"I can see the wheels turning in there" Walter said laughing.

"Huh?" I looked up.

Jerry looked surprised. I wonder why.

"I'll give Richards a call" Walter said, standing up and walked out of the room. Ivan stood up and followed him, leaving me and Jerry alone.

"So, may I know what I did to underestimate you?" Jerry asked in a serious tone.

"You thought that I can be bribed" I said, my nose in the air.

"Uh- well, okay! Okay! I'm sorry. But at least you proved me wrong and caught the mafia boss!" Jerry said with a nervous laugh.

I nodded.

"Looks like you get offended easily" Jerry muttered.

I shot him a look and he put a finger on his lips, showing that he's quiet.

I laughed and he joined along.

To be continued......

A/N: Yay! So Jerry and Ria are friends again!😂🤗 Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

And I really think that my story part titles are getting wilder and wilder with each part!😅😂 Do you think so too? Pls let me know!

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