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JK came back from hospital after seeing her mother cause her condition is critical. He felt drained out working his a*s out in the office and then pay it in the hospital where her mother isn't giving any positive result.

He sighed out but seeing the house quiet made him confused. He kept thinking what happen to Y/N. Cause whenever he comes back to house he is always welcomed by Y/N not normal Y/N scared Y/N with trembling lips whenever she tries to speak.

Well you might think why would Y/N wait for jk well it was one of his rule of JK. Funny right how he control her life....

He went to his room thinking to first clean and fresh up then think about Y/N cause he might take all his anger onto her.

He crooked his eyebrows after seeing the sight of his room's bed. He saw Y/N lying naked on the bed.

Well it is due to his wonderful deeds in the evening.


JK came back to house after office thinking first to have something then meet his mom. He settled on the couch and Y/N was dancing smoothly in the garden on the rhythm of instrument voice. It was peaceful she loved dancing well JK met her due to her passion for dance. He saw her dancing in the schll ( We will go in their love story afterwards).

But she stumbled when the music was stopped and she saw JK smirking over her. Seeing JK Y/N started trembling. He took steps closer to her and she stepped back.

He keep coming close and she keep going away.

Suddenly she fell due to the wall and there was bushes of flower in the edge of the garden which was beautifully settled by JK mom.

Seeing the bush getting destroyed JK's anger started boiling. At first he thought today he want do anything but now his anger was on top.

He took long steps and pulled her wrist harshly. Y/N started crying thinking about the consequences of this.

He kept dragging her towards his bedroom.

She keep shaking his head and mumbling sorry

"S-sorry J-Jungkook" She said with her shaking voice

He ignored her begging and keep dragging when they entered he threw her over the bed she bounced. She kept moving backwards. he pulled her through her ankle.

He tore her clothes and she was in her B*a and P*ntie

He felt satisfied cause he could see those marks which are fully red cause they were fresh and now he wanted more over her body. But she was trembling under his touch. He took out his belt and started beating her vigorously. Literally after 30 min. He didn't want to stop but he felt satisfied the fresh marks and they were bleeding. Y/N saw her with her red puffy eyes like her eyes are begging.

He loved her weak pathetic state due to him. Feeling an urge to satisfy himself. He pushed himself inside her. She screamed but then she became quiet cause she know he hates her m*ans while doing this.

He kept thrusting harshly not sharing caring about the girl beneath him. He thought of himself as he used to think every time, only about himself.

"F*cking S*ut how can you still feel gud* He said still pounding inside her.

She didn't reply. He slapped her hard as her left lip started bleeding.

"Answer me" He said

"I-I d-do Ahhh" Again a slap was echoed in the room

"I asked you not to moan why don't you get it" He said she nodded

She bit her lower lip trying to suppress her screaming due to the monster pounding her inside her.

He felt his o*gasm. He groaned and shoot his seeds inside her

Her face showed as if how tired she is. She is again being ruined by this monster

Her eyes were sleepy. She kept trying to open her eyes but she couldn't

Jungkook slammed his belt over her skin

He felt so good after doing this. He kept doing and that poor girl fainted but still he didn't stop.

He felt good after doing he left her alone naked over the bed well there is nothing new.

Flashbacks ends


I remember what happen in the evening. She is still in the same position that I left her in the evening. I felt guilty about but what can I do she deserve it tho... I shooked her little bit she didn't respond. Now I am getting nervous. I shooked her little hard. She suddenly whine when her wounds met my hand. I kept my hand back. I suddenly feel bad for torturing her so badly. I tap her cheeks she open her eyes after she saw me she started trembling her lips quivered badly.

She keep mumbling sorry I think so she had big panic attack after seeing me. My eyes soften but I remembered why I am doing this. I harshly said "GET OFF YOUR F*LTHY HANDS FROM MY BED"


I quickly went to my room which is far better than his room for me. Not in furniture or having space but this room give me peace. He room give me anxiety cause whenever I go to his room I end being a*used and f*cked.

I am having panic attack I counted "ten nine eight.......one" I calmed feeling peace inside. I saw myself whole naked and covered with blood dry marks, belt whipped marks, and my lower abdomen is paining a lot. I just limped towards the washroom.

I came after taking a warm shower feeling fresh but still the pain is still there. I think it will remain till my end of my life. Suddenly I heard someone's shouting. Definitely it is of JK


I ran as fast as I can. I can't walk but still I just ran forgetting the pain inside my body.....

Jk: Why you look like you have ran marathon

Y/N frowned at his remark

Jk: I just ask you to come not to run but well If you have so c'mon go and make me dinner and do my laundry and also I need to wake up at 5 because I need to go and meet mom as she need to be shifted to America for further medication

She nodded at his words cause if she want to say no but still she have to agree otherwise she need to be ready for punishment.

She nodded at his words cause if she want to say no but still she have to agree otherwise she need to be ready for punishment.

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