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The whole week went as fast as it can for Jungkook but for Y/N it went in fearing of jk. She was afraid to do anything. She was not stable especially mentally. Her mental health is definitely not fine. 

She requests jk to leave her but he ignores it every time he hears those words coming out of her mouth. 

Jungkook gave his best to talk to Y/N but she ignored him intentionally or unintentionally. Definitely it wasn't easy for JK to handle such things but after all he deserved all these things.

Y/N was sitting in the lawn. It was 6 in the evening, Everything was silent and calm no disturbance as she saw sun hiding in the clouds and bringing darkness to the world. 

She don't know but that explained her situation very nicely.

The girl with no emotions was the happiest person in the world, SOMETIME.

Which definitely is not this time period everything was fine in their life just one mistake oh no mistake, it wasn't her fault if wanted they both could pass that situation together than blaming other person.


Now if anyone asks her to forgive JK for what he did, No she can't.

She is not angry, She is very disappointed over her life, over her fate, over her love, over her heart, over her soulmate and lastly over herself.

She just don't know what to do anymore in life, but she can't bare and love with JK. She just can't. No matter how much she tries looking over JK face without fear but she can't.

That's her life rn

She just want to leave the place and go away from everywhere and want someone to hug and say everything would be fine. She wants that but she can't she is trapped everyday she asked the same thing from him but he ignore him.

She was in deep thought looking towards the pair of bird feeding their children this hurts her more than anything. She just didn't loose her 2 kids who weren't able to see the world but her sister in law who was more like a sister for her. Her mother in law she don't know what to happen actually. She also lost her precious husband who promised to keep her happy but nor she is neither he is. More importantly she lost herself. Her real self.

Jungkook entered the house as he used to come early as possible he don't want Y/N to be away from him. He is afraid of loosing her.


I entered the house saw her sitting on her usual spot as she used to sit whenever I used to come. 

I sighed again seeing her emotionless face but noticed her eyes which were looking at the birds I remembered what happened to our life. I accept everything and thanks her for staying by my side even I showed his monstrous state.

I went to her sat beside her. Taking her hand in mine. She didn't flinch or smthg happened her face was normal no reaction no emotion.

Is this how have I torched she never cries, she is never angry, she never protests, she is just like a robot to me. I am so cruel I don't know. I am just hurt by seeing her like this. She is my love only love of my life. My only wife. My love

"Baby" I said softly while rubbing her little palm over mine.

She looked over me, in my eyes but her eyes showed nothing her eyes held emotions which I can't explain.

"How are you?" I said hoping she would reply something different but no her usual answer she is giving.

"Fine" She said with low voice.

"Love, Did you have your food?" I asked hopefully she would had her food cause she didn't have any food I have to literally push her inside her mouth to feed her tummy.

"No" I was happy that she didn't lie at all but what if its due to the fear, but now I feel sad for her to not have food.

"okay so c'mon lets feed your little tummy" I said while patting her tummy in a cute way to make her giggle but she didn't show anything I made a sad face.

We went to the kitchen I asked her what she wants to eat but she said nothing as usual.

"You don't have any favorite or u want to eat any special food" I said hoping she would say something different

"No" She said in low voice making me sigh.

"Okay tell do you wanna have an ice cream??" I said with a pout as she wasn't looking at me she was looking at unattractive things over the dining table.

"If you wanna have you can eat it I am in no mood" She said again looking over the table

"Tell me na what mood you have" I said being little bit annoyed

"Okay" She said and I noticed she was shivering I regret talking with her in that tone. I regret so much to this extent I have torched her that she don't even look into my eyes.

We both were getting ready for going out just to have an ice cream date I want to make it like the old times we used to bicker over the best flavor.


 We had our dinner and craving for some sweet as we came to a conclusion that we would go to ice cream parlor.

As usual Y/N took butter scotch and I took mint chocolate .

"You know butter scotch is the best ice cream flavor" She moaned while tasting her ice cream

"NO" I said as I don't like butter scotch

"Yes it is and mint chocolate taste like toothpaste you are such dumb bunny" She teased

"Wait wth are you speaking about my precious and favorite flavor" I groaned

She giggled, she loves teasing me 

Flashback ends

We both were standing and ordering our ice creams I got a phone call


??: Hlo Mr Jeon 

JK: Yes

??:  Your mother is ......


Thank you guys for waiting for so lone 

ILY guys

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