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Next day the sky was heavy seeming it would rain heavily so all of them decided to spend the day in jimin's house.

Mrng was soft and calm everyone sitting in the lawn having their morning tea (not tae).

Tae and A-young having their romantic moments but Jungkook and Y/N seems weird not to them but to everyone of them.

They were just sitting and the atmosphere around them was silent and cold as compare to Taehyung and A-young they seem very lovey-dovey couples.

Jungkook and Y/n were also like this  but few situations well not few many things happen in their lives and Y/n behaving this way is perfectly acceptable. His sorry would never be justifying his actions.

And jimin being the single waiting for someone and his friends making him feel more single he be sitting squinting his eyes as Tae broke the silence "Why buddy why so furiously staring at us"   

"Nothing my so called friends are making me feel single" He said teasing while rolling his eyes playfully. 

But this act of him made everyone break into fits of laughter.

But this happy moments were broken with the phone call on Jungkook's phone

Jungkook got a call from hospital said


"Hello sir, I think your mom is in critical situation and she is not fine right now" The person on the other hand said.

"W-what, W-wait I am coming..." He closed his eyes in frustration thinking where his life is. Its definitely not easy to deal with the loss of people's loss.

"Yes sir right now your mom is in the OT"

"Okay" He said with shaky voice as Y/N and everyone was sitting there though they had no intention to invade in his conversation but listening to his shaky and broken voice made them worried as they know what the younger is going through and now Y/N's worriedness and curiosity increased when she saw him crying so she asked him while touching his cheeks "What happened?"

"M-Mom" He said

"W-what happened to mom? tell me?" She said nd her heart was crazily beating

"She is in critical situation we might loose her today" He said while tryin to be strong.

"W-what l-let's go to the hospital" She said while trying to control her tears.

Tae and Jimin didn't want them to go alone as a real friend always shows up in hard times so they too went to the hospital as seeing both young couple condition


They went to the hospital soon as the doctors were saying all in -ve but Y/N had some hope tht nothing wrong would go but Jungkook was broken as hell. He was broken beyond repair if her mother would leave him then he can't be joint into his real face. He was not the same. He never expected his life could take somthing like this.

After 30 min dr came out.

Jungkook was already slept till now due to frustration and exhaustion.

Who is the guardian of Mrs Jeon?" The doctor asked

"Me" Y/N stood immediately as she heard doctor saying

"Well, I am glad to tell you that Mrs Jeon is now perfectly fine, her surgery was really a tragic thing but the good part is we came out of it now she is fine. She is still unconscious but she might wake up in 4 or 5hrs just wait for her" Doctor said smilingly

"Thank you so much dr." She politely said

She went inside the room where Jk/mom was shifted, she sighed

"Mom I am happy that you are fine now I don't really wanna die with the guilt of many things I never thought I would come at such point of time. Mom but I don't really want any reasons to stay here with tho I still I love him but I can't live with my abuser what is the point of living here. I really don't get the point of being here. I want to start a new life without him. I want to go away from him to erase all the memories not good but those sad moment of our lives I don't want tht to come back mom I am srsly tired of everything which I am facing right now. I can see Jungkook working hard for forgiveness but I don't really want that I want to go away from this world really away. Mom I know I promised you I won't leave Jungkook alone now when you will be awake I would go mom. I would go mom I want to live happily."

She said quietly crying as she has no one whom she can srsly share her problem.

But what she don't know is Jungkook listening to her.


W-what love why you being like this? I know what I did is never forgivable but I can't afford to loose you. You are precious to me I wasted those 7 months with you but not more why can't you see my efforts towards you. Why can't you do that? Why can't we live normally Why have I made it hard?

What will happen if mom would be awake?

what will happen if mom would know what I have done?

what if? what if ?

no no Pls I want to be happy.......




I am back ik very late but still back and I think I won't upload till 28 feb as my exams starting from 18th of feb i hope I just do good this time...

Pls just comment and vote for this part

I too uploaded 1st part of Baby wife do check it out if u want to...

Bye Loveee uuuu

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