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Soon the morning took place. Everything was definitely not fine. Jungkook has been invited to a party in Jeju which was definitely a coincidence that he was in Jeju only by his hyung Jimin as inauguration of his second company

Though initially he didn't want to join the party but listening when Taehyung is coming with his wife A-young. He thought that it would be good as Y/N didn't really meet someone else than him and his mother. 


As Jungkook asked me to get ready for something. Now what is he planning right now. I swear if he tries me to remind our old memories. Imma smack him. Ahmm my weird thoughts.

So let's get ready. Finally Imma gonna get readyyyyyyy.

You know what I am so happy right now cause I just love myself and about Jungkook I don't really give a sh!t do I? I dunno. Well I am trying to lift myself and to gather myself in a strong women. Yeah Yeah you want me I want you baby!!!.

I think I am going crazyyyy.

I got ready like I am the queen I won't let anyone do what I have gone through my only mission is to run away from jungkook not run away but throw divorce paper on his face and then, show who the hell I am...

Jungkook came in soon and was shocked after seeing me and said "God you look so beautiful"

I ignored his comment cause I really don't want to reply him. I hate him to the core. Srsly, well not really. I tired hating him but I can't hate is a very strong word. I just don't like him sounds better, cause I just want to go away from him as of now I don't trust him whatever he tries to do and whatever happens cause I in past I have gone through something which is definitely not acceptable. Tho I don't hate him but I don't even like him but I dunno why the hell my heart always say about not to leave him. but I can't just do it. cause its not a game. he did a crime and he need to repent it.

My thoughts were shooked when Jungkook took my hand in his but I flinched no matter how much strong I act but inside I am still afraid that he might do smthg to me.

This is the reason I don't trust him moreover I feel uncomfortable under his touch.

"Jeon let go" I said firmly not wanted to be touched by him

He immediately let go my hands well thank you for understanding me. I mentally said tht

"Well shall we go?," He asked me

"Yeah sure, we will go but tell me where r we going cause I don't trust yu a bit" I said sternly, I saw his hurtful expression but chose to ignore it.

"Ahmm Jimin Hyung arranged a party" He said 

"JIMIN" I said excitedly, oh god he is my best friend like we have been grown up together, like from diapers. 

"Hmm" He said jealousy was kind off visible on his face

We both head the venue

I saw Taehyung well I know him since college as Jungkook and Taehyung and Jimin were like best trios of the college and me and A-young were besties for ever.

I feel nostalgic after seeing Taehyung and A-young. I ran to hug them oh god I feel so good right now 

"It feels like you missed us like hell" Taehyung squealed as I gave bone crushing hug to A-young

"Oh god I missed you guys like hell" I said imitating Tae

They both chuckled and Jungkook came while panting said "Why did u run?" 

"I was too excited to meet them." I said plainly he sighed and hugged both of them.

"Why didn't u come and meet me before" I said to Tae and A-young

"well jungkook never let us he always denied the plans saying u r busy" then it actually clicks that Jungkook actually never allowed anyone in the house, as he used to torture me alone. 

I chuckled at the worst phase of my life.

I could see Jungkook's getting nervous, I shrugged and said "let's enjoy"

I keep sitting beside A-young she started with something saying "Bub u you know I need some help of urs"

"What is it hun?" I asked her getting into the conversation.

"Well" She started saying and paused as blush crawled upto her cheeks.

"What is it hmm??" I teased and she finally blurted out

"I am pregnant" I was so happy upon hearing this so she is going to be mom

"Okay so someone is going to be mom" I said and she smiled cheekily and  said

"I dunno whether I would be a good mom or would I be able to handle the baby" She said I could feel her nervousness and said "Hun calm down it is going to be fine"

She sighed and said "I haven't told Tae"

"WHAT" I shouted and she immediately shush me and said 

"I want to give surprise to him like you gave" She just said being excited and me remembering old days.

When I gave surprise to jk and he was happy af. I miss those days but something really changed our lives.

I think she somehow noticed my reaction she tried to comfort as she know about my miscarriages but not about abusee

"hey bub I didn't want to" I cut her off and said "nahh hun its fineee"

"I am way to excited about this little hooman in your wombbb" I said while hugging her warmly.

Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder and said "Peach" 



After soooo long.....

Any guesses who is that person?

Do you like Y/N new behavior?

Pls do comment and voteeee.


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