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I am so scared how? and what? happened to him. I hope he is just doing fine. I am done with loosing people in my life. I can't afford loosing him as well. 

I saw there was crowd of people I was pushing people to actually see whats happening. The place is actually very similar here's the beach where Jungkook proposed me. 

But this is not the time ti think bout it. I went and what I saw made my mind blow. I saw Jungkook sitting with his guitar and it was beautifully decorated with my favourite flowers and written I AM SORRY!

When he saw me his eyes showed deep regret and love which I was finding since months, It felt like time stopped, my heart was beating out so loud and seeing so many people around made my cheeks turn red. 

Jungkook smiled at me and said "I know what I did is not acceptable and forgivable but I will not die before you forgive me" 

I didn't show any emotions since I can't melt that soon and how does he expect me to forgive him that early when he couldn't move on from everything for months.

People were cheering, recording and asking me to forgive him but what do they know bout us. 

I was calm and quiet until Jungkook asked "Will you give me another chance baby?"

I scoffed saying "Another chance? not even in my wildest dreams Jeon. So it feels like u really want forgiveness, Well we can talk and find a solution cause i can't live like this."

His smile faded as soon as he saw my emotionless face and said " Okay lets have a talk soon"

I smiled saying "Soon Jeon and I don't appreciate making fuss in the public place" left him embarrassed. 

I know this is the most harsh words I ever took out of my mouth. I feel my eyes watery cause my heart wants to forgive him but my brain can't accept the torture i have gone thru these seven months its horrifying.


I was happy and calmed seeing everything settled and everything done. I am sure Y/N will accept my apology today cause she doesn't need much off efforts. I remember how she used to forgive me very soon.



This Jeon is litrally late for an hour now. He has dumped our past 4 dates as of now and ig this is going to be 5th one Im super angry now, I won't forgive him that easily. 

I am sitting here in the restaurant and waitor has came like 5 times and he has been makign me so embarrased right now. He is not even picking up calls and there are no messages from his point. 

After 2 hours more of waiting I went home only to find him sleeping on the couch, but he seems so tired, He could've messaged me at this point Im done. 

I just gave him a blanket and  slept in the bedroom

Jungkook POV

I woke up on the couch "Arghh my back feels so sore"

Where is Y/N?? I didn't see her yesterday also and where tf is my phone? Oh here it is, under the couch. 17 missed calls from Y/N. 150 messages from Y/N 

Shit what happened? did i forget something OH lord!! 

Shooot it was our date yesterday I was so tired tht i forgot wait wtf she was waiting for me in the hotel. SHITTTTTT.

I went to our bedroom only to find her sound asleep like a baby. I prepared breakfast for her and as an apology I wrote a letter and brought her favourite flowers and woke her up softly

"Y/N wake up baby"

"N-No I wanna sleep" She said half asleep

"Its past 9 baby wake up" 

"First of all DON'T TOUCH ME MR JEON" she said opening her eyes

"Huh??" I said being confused

"Yes MR JEON! The audacity you had dumping me for the 5th time. You know what you have no rights to talk to me now." She hmphed 

He was well aware of what would be coming so he picked her up and said "I am sorry my baby I was really tired yesterday, I accept that a message wouldn't hurt but it completely slipped out of my mind. I promise you that i won't miss any of our dates from now and and you have me for complete dayyy!!!" 

"Leave me" She said struggling to come off his hold 

"U for give me baby???" He asked smooching her forehead

"No" She said coming out of his hold.

Flashback finished

It was all happy back then what happened suddenly I feel so bad about it for what I have done. I don't know after so much of hurt I can see him hurt.

I just want to end everything.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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