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Morning feels like hell to me or night feels worst to me. I can't believe how can I love such a monster. The place which I love is my dreamland NO That person didn't even leave me free from this cruel world for at once even in my dreams I forgot they are not dream they are NIGHTMARES.

Once I wanted to sleep but now I don't want to sleep and feel those nightmares again NO. A BIG NO. But who even wants to remain awake with the devil living in the same house.

Well I am kinda used to it should I say or I dunno where my life is leading myself to. Cause I myself don't know why am I living in this vicious world. I-I

Then I went into my dreamland which is no more considered at dream land

Y/N POV end

She was trying to sleep but her unwanted thoughts were reminiscing into her eyes like a movie. The movie which she never wants to see but she has to cause you know life take either good turns or bad turns.

She was trying to sleep but her unwanted thoughts were reminiscing into her eyes like a movie. The movie which she never wants to see but she has to cause you know life take either good turns or bad turns.

Definitely No one's life's not easy but you know what at least be grateful what you have cause the things what you have it is possible other have too.

Whereas on second hand

Jungkook was slept peacefully thinking about absolutely nothing. Just being happy. But was he actually happy or wearing a happy face????

Morning took place Y/N woke up at 4 well the poor girl didn't sleep properly due to her nightmares and the anxiety what if she slept and couldn't wake up early. She went and have a good and soothing bathe.

She felt relaxed.

(Too many questions..... IKR)

She went to the lawn and sat down listening to the bird chirp. it was around 4:30 am.

Though there were no great signs of sun or the morning light but still that silence and cool wind make her feel warm not through her body but through her soul and mind and heart.

She felt peace but suddenly her anxiety level grew as she heard dog howl. She became terrified cause one time a dog had bite her since that day she fears from dog especially when they are making terrifying noise.

She quickly went inside the house but luck is never on her side as she ran the vase I mean

*THE PRECIOUS VASE OF JUNGKOOK MOM* was lying on the floor whole in pieces and her anxiety level is on her peak.

She started imagining what JK would do if he find that she broke the *THE PRECIOUS VASE OF JUNGKOOK MOM*.

She couldn't hold herself back from crying she started crying but not to loud. She picked up the broken pieces by her bare hands don't caring about her hands just trying to hide this from Jungkook. Mentally praying he might now wake up.

As soon she was successful in hiding the pieces she calmed herself and sighed in relief that JK didn't wake up she felt good.

She quickly made the breakfast for him. At 4:55 she went to wake JK up.

Unknowingly her hands started trembling as she holds the knob of the door twisting it. She gulped in fear.

There he slept like a king over his kind sized bed without any worries and spreading his whole leg and hands like he owns everything in the whole world. He was half naked just wearing the track-pant, abs were kept on a show not for people but for his room **** MAY BE****

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