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Y/N was in the kitchen cooking brunch for everyone as all woke up late. Yet JK/M was still asleep.

Jungkook came close to Y/N back hugged her his hands going in her shirt and rubbing her bare waist.

Y/N slappped his hands and said "Jungkook move"

He snuggled in her neck saying "till when u are thinking to act this way". She looked at him shocked for a sec but said "Why do u want to know?"

"Cause I am hurting with this behavior of yours" He said annoyedly

"Nd what about mine I was hurt too by ur actions, words, behavior everything then according to that I must leave u right?" She said boldly pushing him

He pulled her more close to his chest and nostalgia rushed into both of their veins. they felt the same way they used to feel when they were not like this. the love was pure.

Now they have a huge distance of hurt and ego which no one can eradicate.

"I am sorry lobe, I am so sorry, I am regretting the thing. I did I am sorry baby" He said guiltily

"Your sorry is not helping a ounce. If u say or not say won't create a big difference in my decision" She said looking with fire in her eyes but deeply she also knows how hard it is but she needs to let go the things.

He bent down saying "I will give and do anything for u baby. I repent everything what I did to you I am sorry"

She just rolled her eyes leaving him there to drink water and sighed saying "I.Need.Divorce." She said with a savage attitude

He bit his lips saying "pls give me one more chance baby pls" He said while holding her arms and litrally pleading.

She jerked his arm sayign " Don't u dare to touch me." 

Jk/M noticed the scene nd went to her and pulled her harshly saying "How dare you? U CUNNING WOMAN" 

She was just shocked by such quick push 

"Mom pls u don't know anything" He tried to compensate 

"So explain me. WHAT IS THAT SHE IS BEHAVIING THIS WAY" She shooted glare at her 

Y/N clench her fists saying "U wanna know what ur son did?" She said with disgust in her eyes

"He did smthg which monster could never do."

Jk/M shooked her head saying "I don't trust u, U WITTY WOMAN"

"You just know the thing when u were in senses not what happened behind ur back. Ur son is definitely not white washed." She just looked like a woman with so much hurt in her. Well why not the person whom u loved dearly did smthg which can't be turned back.

"M-mom and Y-Y/n calm down pls" He said while sufferring between them 

"Jungkook tell your mom what did u do when she was not here?" She said while crossing her arms with sassy look making Jungkook look down in embarrassment.

"No Tell na Jungkook how u used to manhandle me and u used to abuse me and raped me and what not let ur wife just after the loss of her two kids was living in the hell JUNGKOOK TELL"





ND ALSO I WOULDN'T BE able to UPLOAD IT TILL  26 I have exams and I am so tired its 12:40 in the mrng....

My first exam is of Physics guys I suck like hell nd I just don't want to be failed nd I hope tht.... FINGERS CROSSED.

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