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"Y/N I am sorry" He said making the enviornment tensed.

"Baby listen I am so sorry for what I did, I know its hard for you but Y/N I don't know how can I even behave like this, I really don't know. I am just sorry" He said with regretful voice

Y/N stood still not knowing what to do she didn't know how to react

"I know I did so wrong but" He was cut by Y/N 

"I want divorce" She said making JK heartbeat go faster and sweat started forming over his forehead

"Baby atleast listen to me" He said in pleading voice

"NO I said no Jeon" She said without emotions

"Baby plss" He again pleaded but it was again ignored by Y/N


"SHUT UP Y/N" He shouted she remembered the same thing which happened few days back how cruely he r-ped her.

Unknowingly she started shivering she was taking deep breaths as she was having panic attack she started counting to become normal 

JK noticed her shivering state he calmed himself.

"Listen to me Y/N please" He said while coming closer to her

"N-no don't come closer she said" She whispered

"Please don't beat me" She mumbled as she saw JK coming more close her head hung low she just saw his feet coming closer to her not his face which showed regret and care.

She ran to her room as she afraid


Why can't I just control my temper I just shouted on her. But I am afraid of loosing her and genuinely regretting for what I have done. I just don't know what to do I am such a d!ckh*ad. I dunno what to do or how to even a situation. I am worst person ever again that guilt hit him hard. 

JK POV end

At dinner time there was no one on dining hall one was again afraid and second was dealing with the guilt in his heart.

In night both were in their respective rooms but Jk wasn't satified leaving Y/N in her room basically that was "Maid room" (but it was cool ik I can't find such rooms).

He went towards her room and knocked at the door but no response. He peeked from the room he didn't find her. His anxiety was on peak not finding Y/N is the worst thing he could ever feel. He slowly entered the room it was not that sapcious but it was clean and it was properly arranged it is same the way Y/n used to arrange it. He heard some muffled crying which was heard from the washroom. Again a pang of guilt hit him hard as hell that he can't explain that feeling to anyone. 

He saw her diary there over there he felt curiosity rising inside him to read it but it was wrong to read someone's personal diary but she wasn't someone she was HIS WIFE. Whom he treated like sh*t. 

He took the diary just flipping the pages he stood there starting to read but when Y/N came with towel wrapped around her petite figure. 

He gulped seeing her like this controlling his emotions and hormones it is being many years of marriage he can't resist his wife.

Y/N started shivering in fear seeing him and she knows if he is in her room that means something important it would cause he never enters her unless and until she didn't hear him or there is somthing important.

By seeing her shivering he remembers when he entered her room and what happened 


In the afternoon he came in the house as he forgot to take the file he called Y/N many time but she didn't pick up so he need to go back to the house to get that file.

"GET YOUR A*S HERE Y/N" He said while shouting from living room when he didn't find her coming he went upstairs not wanting to waste more time. 

He saw Y/N sleeping peacefully but that was not peaceful cause he saw a tear flowed through her closed eyes. He felt an urge to take her and hug her and tell its okay but again he let his anger took over him. 

"Y/N hey you lazy women" He said while shooking her petite figure vigourously.

"WAKE YOUR LAZY A*S UP" He shouted 

Y/N opened her eyes as she felt whole pain shooting her whole body because they had intimitate session in the night and she hadn't rest since yesterday she just want to sleep more and more but somehow her nightmares aren't letting her sleep but now living nightmare is standing in front of her.

As soon as Y/N opened her eyes she saw a monster staring in her soul. She felt terrified.

"Why weren't you picking up my call?" He inquired

^Isn't it obvious I was sleeping how can I pick your dumb phonecall^ She thought she wished she could speak it out loud but she can't she stayed silent making Jungkook more angry

"You can't even do a single thing in this f-ck!ng life then wth r u for?" He growled not knowing how might it hurt her.

He unbuckled his belt feeling more scared that poor soul started feeling more petrified.

He started slashing it on her back. She could not even recover from yesterday but he started hitting her more after 10 slash he stopped. He saw that poor soul who is trembling like a leaf.

Again he feel that pang of guilt in his heart but he could care less or more. He ignored it and let that anger which is so harmful took over him.

He left her there and went to his office after taking his file totally ignoring that poor girl lying over there on the floor

Flashback ends

He felt so terrible about himself how he became so cruel that he can't see other's pain. He was a monster no he is a monster. He is so cruel not he is his fate is cruel but not everything is dependent on luck or fate it depends on your KARMA. 

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