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Jk: So shall we try???

Y/N didn't reply she stayed quiet the whole time she is firstly not ready and she also don't want her child to be in such abusive nature

Y/N: No ( She whispered)

Jk: Why sweetheart

Y/N: "-"

Jk: "Tell me my dear Wifeyy "He said while nibbling her ear lobe which she used to enjoy in past but that was past now she only feels disgusted

Y/N: I j-just d-don't w-want.... I-I am s-s-sorry!!

She said already apologising whether its her mistake or not. She know the consequences......

Jungkook sighed and went leaving her confused. She thought why didn't he hit her? Why was he so calm? How???

All differnt kind of thoughts were revolving around her mind she picked herself up to her room waiting JK to leave........

In the evening

There was a friend meet at home. Basically all members of BTS came. They came to meet their golden maknae. How he is doing. Yes they know he blames Y/N for what sorrowful things happen in his not his both of their lives but they don't know what he do to Y/N.

Basically he gave order to her that she don't have to come out of her room unless he has called her but if she then consequences are worst then hell.

When BTS arrived

J-Hope: Where is Y/N JK

JK: She is resting...

Jimin: What did you do to her so that she is resting??? He asked while winking

Taehyung: Ohh Yes Tell Jk

Jungkook became annoyed by their weird comments.

Jin: I need to meet her...

JK: Okay fine (He huffed angrily)

Jungkook reached Y/N room

He just opened the door ghastly.

But she didn't flinch at all as he saw her that she is sitting at the edge of her bed seeing their wedding images when they were happy. She was smiling and crying at one point. He felt an urge to protect the vulnerable state of Y/N but he is the when who is responsible for her situation. Her bruises are properly hidden with makeup as he ordered.

Jk cleared his throat

Y/N eyes widen seeing him. Her eyes started being teary.

JK: Members are calling you downstairs and you need to act nicely. (He said softly as he saw her eyes)

Y/N just nodded

She stood up and followed JK.

When she saw members her eyes started teary not because of fear but due to nostalgia rushed into her veins. She remembered those golden time

NJ: Why are you crying Y/N??

He asked with concerned voice

Jk glared at her cause he think the reason might be him. YES HE IS THE ONLY REASON

Y/N: I-I j-just remember those golden days when we all use to chill out in cafe, amusement park.

Jin: Oh yeah Y/N but why are you crying as if you won't be able to enjoy this again. We can make plans and go as soon as possible

Chit Chat went on, But there was a guy who is burning with anger and you guessed it right he is non other than JK.

After BTS left


Y/N started shivering he knew how to control her. Now she is under his control basically she is his puppet whatever he will say she will do. Is that how we live normal life NOOO but it is new normal for Y/N.

"You know what you don't deserve happiness, enjoyment nothing cause a person who can't even control her craving and risk the life of people you don't deserve it. And you know what who you are you are f*cking killer of my children those who never get to see this world" He said dangerously yet calm tone.

She didn't know what to do or what to say. Saying about her child which she was carrying were her responsibility she accepted it was her own fault to be clumsy not careful but bringing those horrifying past moments is triggering her. She was the mother of those two innocent child. She can never forgive herself but JK has no rights to blame her but who is she to say something about him.

He came closer to her very close

She was having panic attack. She started calming herself but she couldn't

"Ten nine eight ......zero" ^Why isn't this working why am I feeling short of breath^ She thought

Jungkook grabbed her wrist she fainted but JK being JK he thought she is acting.

He started dragging her to his room and said "Hey B*tch come to senses now" She didn't respond and started slapping her she wasn't again responding.

He brought a glass of water and sprinkled over her face she started blinking her eyes. "Over with your drama b*tch. Now ready for my MY SHOW" She had nothing but fear what would he do to her. Now in what ways he will torcher her.

He pulled her on his lap and stared over her face and saw how petrified the younger is. How her body is skinny. How her bones are showing off.

He picked her up in bridal style making her confuse and suddenly flashing his bunny smile. Still that smile of him making her fluster. She felt disgusting about her love and care which she still holds which is definitely not right. Pushing her thoughts of her mind she saw he was taking her to the basement "Where are you taking me?" She asked in very soft and trembling voice "Surprise Darling" He smirked

He threw her in the basement where nothing was there rather than dust, insects and creepy creatures. She gulped.

"Jungkook pls don't leave me here I will do anything you will ask for but not here" Seeing her pathetic state he laughed evilly.

He left her turning the door close leaving the poor soul inside of the torturous basement.


My body is aching badly... I am full of sorrows no one can heal me. I am the worst person here. I am the most broken not physically but mentally. Definitely physically you can see my bruised body but can you see my heart, my mind. What kind of thoughts I have....

Y/N POV ends

She scoffed and let the sleep take over her. 

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