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She fainted but why?? 

Did something happen to her?

Was I too harsh on her?? 

Did I went so rough that??

I mean I couldn't control myself. I was acting like a monster. How can I be so cruel.
I was just angry that she chose to leave me.
I mean I can't afford living without her but by seeing her many things come into picture.

But I can't move on the fact of my loss. I know I should forget about this cause once a loss is made its done but I can't. It's like when u know that using your phone would waste your but you still use it for your pleasure and in later regret using phone. But u can't using the phone.
But why I am being like this.
She literally fainted

I should call a doctor. I made her wear clothes and picked her weightless body. It seems that she hadn't eaten past few months.
I quickly placed her on the car backseat and drove off to the hospital.

In the hospital

The doctor came to check her situation well they r checking her.
She is on hospital bed.
Soon the doctor said "Mr. Jeon I needed to talk to you regarding her condition"  I gulped the lump of saliva and quickly followed her in her cabin. Well she is the same doctor who was responsible for her pregnancy. She is a lady doctor and she knows us very nicely not about abuse or smthg.

"Mr Jeon it seems like that she hadn't eaten anything since months" I nodded in anticipation

"Mr Jeon seeing her situation it feels she has been raped not once not twice I mean many times. It is a brutal rape for her as she just had miscarriage it is more dangerous for her. She needed to be taken care but it seems like she has been forced or smthg." I didn't know what to reply I just keep nodding slightly

She continues "I have also seen the marks like she has been beaten for minutes and it feels like it is too much for that week body to take care of" I just stayed quiet.

"So this is about her physical health let's go about the mental health according to me as I am not a psychiatrist but I still know little about psychology, so I wanna say that her mental health is definitely not stable. The reason why she fainted was the powerful panic attack like she is scared of smthg and she saw that thing." I just kept my mouth shut not knowing what to say

" Mr jeon I dunno how just this happen? if someonebully her pls report her cause that day might not be far where you will find her emotionless, she would be a just a body with no soul. Well, Such cases also includes the abusive husband and I know how much you care about her so you can't do that. Or will you??" She questioned me making me gulp in fear. I just shooked my head

"Mr jeon if any case is with her please try to solve that or she might end up on death bed I know you don't need that" I nodded

"When will she wake up?" I asked

"Well Mr Jeon as she was weak so we have put a glucose bottle so that she might regain some energy and about waking her up it is necessary to sleep as long she wants. We have given some sleeping dose maybe after 8 hrs." 

"Okay" I just mouthed 

I went to Y/N's room where she was lying on hospital bed

I held her free hand and kissed it softly and seeing her arms full of bruises seeing how brutually I have been with her. How a monster I was. I freaking break all the promises and vows which I did.


He cried bitterly seeing his wife condition how brutual he has been with her.

He remembered old days of when he promised to keep her safe and protected and keep away from sadness.

Flashback before marriage

"Kook where are you?" She entered the room finding her love

"BOO" HE growled in a very cute manner making Y/N startle a little but later she giggled

"What happened baby? Why so gloomy today??" He said while caressing her face

"Nothing Kook just you know in office few people bully me I tried to backfire them but they are many uk" She said, She shared everthing with him not hiding anything this is how a relationship works. 

"Its okay baby I will take care of that. Do you wanna come and have Ice -Cream" After listening to Ice- Cream her face lightened she nodded 

"Okay let's go" 

They were standing near Ice Cream parlour

"Hey Kook" She said

"Yes baby" 

"I think they are coming here too" She said with little bit of scaredness visible

"So these are the mf who don't have anything to do, Wait lemme show them" 

He went to those group of guys started punching the first one

1: Hey what are you doing?

JK: How dare you bully her? huh?

2: Oh so we have lover boy of this gurll. He said with a smirk

jk: Well lemme show you what this loverboy can do.

He said while punch landing over that person

3: Ohh I see you being hero huh?

He started beating the sh*t out of those 3 guys but unknown to the 4 one he was there with a stick to hit JK with.

But Y/N saw the whole scene she ran as fast as possible and pushed that 4 guy. He stumble back, but smirked and pushed her more closer to him.

People were their watching the whole drama recording it no one dares to interfere.

"KOOK" Y/N shouted He looked towards her seeing that poor soul in the hands of a beast

He wanted to run towards her but those three guys made a hold of him. He shouted "Baby kick him where the sun never shines"

She nodded and kicked him hard. JK had a proud smirk over his face those three went to see the 4 one lying and whimpering in pain.

Y/N run towards Jk to hug him "Thank you kook" 

"What for" He asked in cold tone "for helping me" She said making innocent face

"Baby that's my responsibilty to protect you, to erase all the miseries of your life. You are my queen and will king ever let the queen down" He asked making Y/N heart flatter at his cheesy lines.

"Baby I promise you I will erase all the miseries of life and make your world full of happiness" He kneed down taking the ring box out

"My queen will you marry me" He said with full of sincereity and love showering from his eyes

She nodded all blushing 

These were the most happy phases of their lives

Flashback ends

Jk was still holding her hand as if she would leave him somewhere, He stayed the whole time till Y/N wakes up to kill his time he did some office work while sitting there.

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