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"Baba, dan Allah kar kayi haka!" (Father, please don't do this!) I cried kneeling before him, he was standing and flashing his back at me.

"Mama, talk to father, I plead with you, don't marry me out to the person i don't know"

"Are you saying I have no idea what I'm doing?" Baba shouts which I flinched.

I can't believe my father wants to marry me out to a man I don't know his character, looks, and background.

I know him to be the son of the retiring Omar Asraf and if I do that, my father will be promoted. But why would he go that far, I'm not still a child yet I'm not too old to get married.

I'm 23, I just finished my university, with a second class in biochemistry.

I have someone I love but baba don't like him because he has no gain from him, he won't be promoted.

Most times I just feel like killing myself but Allah knows best so I would leave everything in his hands.

"Sumayyah" Mama called as I turned to her with my dried tears on my face.

"Na'am, mama, I will do anything, to avoid this, please tell him not to do this." I pleaded when he left the parlour.

"Yi hakuri mama na (take heart my child!)your father is very hot- tempered, he always wants to do things his way, and he sees that as the best thing to do."

Best thing, marrying me off to a stranger.

All I could do was nod, I can't say no more, my head keeps banging due to the rate at which I have been crying.

I excused myself to go wash my face, there was nothing I could do, begging him, crying for him was all in vain, what if I die, will he be promoted?

After taking some paracetamol, I decided to take a nap while my father's yells kept ringing in my ears.

'You must marry him, it's not a choice, it's an order sumayyah'

Sometimes I wonder if they both gave birth to me.

I was woken up by the noise of Abdul, he must be back from school, he is 18 years old in ss3.

We are the only children of my parents, mum had miscarriage for the third and she died right after she was born. I just don't know what kind of a world God put me in.

Checking the time on my phone, it was already 4:15 and Asr had passed away, so I managed to get to the bathroom to wash the sleep off my face and then perform my ablution and pray.

"Ya Allah, I have no one to plead on except you, please save me from marrying someone I do not want, Ya Allah. I hope this is not my destiny, " I cried to Allah, and I knew he would answer my prayers.

I am a catheter, I make all sorts of dishes, and I own my own restaurant. I enjoy working there more than the boring company, so my complaints are little unlike the boss Abdul.

Father puts him into the process since he got into ss1 to teach him how to struggle. My father is really a good man who wants the best for his children but concerning marriage, it's a forever something, he wasn't forced, why does he have to force me.

"Summy! Are you okay?" Halima clicks her finger at my face, bringing me out of my deep thoughts.

She is my one best friend after Jamila that I tell my pain to. I don't want to hide anything from her, her parents are also rich and wealthy and one thing I noticed with my father, he loves to associate himself with those kinds of people.

It's very bad.

"I'm fine, I'm just stressed" I mutter, drinking up the juice. We decided to hang out in my own restaurant and be a customer because I don't feel like watching or supervising them today.

"Why are you lying to me? I know!"

"You know what?" I quickly interjected.

"I know your father is planning on marrying you off to Omar Asraf son"

"How did you know?" I don't remember telling her.

She giggled and took a sip from her apple juice. "My father told me, it was your father that told him, so they are trying to find a suitable date for the wedding."
She said,

"What? Ikon Allah (God's will) "

A date, already?

"Summy, are you crying?" She asked to place her hand on my now fisted hand. I didn't realize I was crying. so I cut the tissue from the table to wipe my tears.

"I think something got in," I lied, drinking up my glass of water cause i felt so thirsty.

"Should we leave here?" She asked getting up, it was the best idea at this moment i don't want to break down in front of my worker so i gave her a slight nod and she helped me up. 

Holding me by the waist as we made our way out to my car, the moment we got in, I broke down.

She tried to calm me down but it was of no use.

"Allah ne ya rubuta ha ka ne zai faru (its God who wrote thats whats gonna happen)"

"Ki daina kuka (stop crying),"

If Halima was in my shoes she would know, I wonder what I will tell faruq who happened to be best buddies to Abdul, I can't even look him in the eye.

This is too much.

What kind of life is this?

More of a physical disaster.

I don't think I would ever be happy in this life.

Why do females have no right to their own way of living?

Why are we monitored? When we quite know what is wrong and right.

"Halima?" I finally spoke with a cracked voice, sniffing.

'Na'am' (yes) 

"I want to meet with faruq, I want to tell him since father doesn't want to let me be free, I will be free"

"What do you mean?" She brought her brows together until they were making a cross and leaned forwards confused.

"We are going to elope"

Her jaw dropped. "WHAT!!!?"

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