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The inside was soffocatting, i could sweat it. So i went out to the balcony to get a fresh air and enjoy the view outside, i watch how young kids of 3 to 5 play around the street, they must be on holidays.

I remembered when Faruq came across a little kid, while we were hanging around at the parks. 'do you like kids?" He had asked me.

I nodded. 'yes very well, funny enough I can be lost or kidnapped cause of the love I have for them'

He chuckles. 'you're cheap'

'how am i'

'kids of all kind, they can use it to end you!' he tease.

'not fair' I blunt as I watched him laugh uncontrollable as if it was funny but his thought were.

I tried so hard not to cry as I held on to the mug with his green tea inside. "What are you doing outside?" Came that one voice.

"Taking in some fresh air!" I answered.

"You shouldn't be outside, come inside" he orders. I wanted to question him but I feel it will be too Soon, so I turned on my heals and entered not waiting for him to say a word I went straight to my room, seeing his face just makes me so fustrated.

"How on earth am I enjoying!" I complained to jamila on face time, and  all she did was to console me, "it's due time you two will get to understand eachother!"

"Yiks I wish not!" I sigh.

"Now don't make it hard on yourself, leave your life the way you want it, just do your role and don't be harsh on him" she warns. We talk for a while, she gave me advice that i know in this life, women are bound to always be given advices unlike the men, i am asked to take heart and stay with a man who i dont want to be with, but then one day he would come with the one he wants to be with.

Geez, advice the men to learn to accept that one person at some basis, but then, they have strenght to even want to marry again. No wonder they die and old so fast.


Thinking back on my restaurant, I hope there are doing better, since the wedding was in two weeks, i haven't shown up but my secretary will work this out for this other two weeks I'll stay.

A WhatsApp chat came from Abdul asking me how i slept and that mum was really having a hard time to sleep and if I had check the chess board.

That reminds me!

I went on to check it and unwrape the box, there was a folded paper which falls from it.  'Chess rules'

I read through his own tutorials and the manual, yet i couldnt even tell who the knight, king or the bishops are. I quickly dailed his number and gave him a call.

"Hello Abdul!" I quickly spoke when he answered.

Khalil POV

So, she is locking herself in the room now?

Well that is perfect, she shouldn't just try anything stupid.....

I got a chat from Faisal asking if he should come and see her but I forbid him from doing such, he should just focus on the works on his neck.

Immediately after Zhur, Amal and Halima with a young 15 years old girl came. I invited them in and they said the Girl's name is mainuma and that she would be at our service as our house maid.

"I see, but is that really nessecary? I question,not that I don't want having a maid but why a day after our wedding, what's the bride's use?

"Mama said I should bring her to you, she knows that it's too early but she won't be staying the night" Amal enlightened me.

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