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"I'm here for my info girl!" Aisha bangs into the house knowing to well that both Khalil and Summayyah aren't around.

Maimuna was still scared to actually give out intel to a woman she doesn't know much of. "I... They are not always in good terms, they don't sleep in the same bed and they hardly speak!" She spoke in between clenched teeth. She was remorse that she had to say all this.

Aisha smirks. "So you are saying that they never felt anything and they pretend on the outside?" She asked and mainuna nodded.

"I see!" She passed her some money. "It won't go that easy as I thought it will, i will come back." And she was out, the moment she got into her car she got a call. "Hello Jeoy!".

"I want you to find out dirt on the woman, what did you do at the orphanage?"

"She didn't grow up there, "

"And where did she?"

"The details went missing, but i will keep trying ma'am, i will get back to you soon!" And he ended the calls. She sighs dropping her head on the starry.

'Khalil why!?'

Summayyah stomps into the sitting room in range as Khalil follows after her, he tried to stop her but she was fuming in anger. He had kept yelling in the car asking her why the hell she spoke and she didn't see it as a big deal.

"I ask you why did you speak, i told you not too...!"

"...I know, but you didn't even say anything!"

"That's because he hasn't finished presenting!"

"I know right but study their point, that shit was too much how on earth will you sign a contract of 100milion just for a collaboration, aren't you afraid what will happen when you two have a miss understand. They would be suspected and your company will be questioned. Is that how you rule your office? That's awful!" She hissed turning on her heels.

"Don't talk about my company being awful!" He barks

She swallowed trying to conceal her anger. "Fine i won't, you should be grateful thought,  I need to get some rest, my head hurts already!" She says before walking into her room and banging the door shot.

Khalil sighs falling on the sofa as he took off his hula and then rubs his afro hair, resting it on the pillows. 'What's the meaning of all this?' He thought.


"Im sorry, i wasn't feeling too good that i had to be absent, did you make the kimichi?" I asked seated in the kitchen with him, customers don't always come around on Saturday but until the sun had set, cause we used to close by 9pm.

"Yes, but would you like to taste it?" He asked passing me a plate of the kimichi and a fork. It looks like cabbage with kwli!

"How do you make this?" I asked taking a spoon and i felt a spark go into my head. I took another spoon with my eyes Popping in amaze.

"It... Its so delicious, how on earth do you learn to cook kimichi this good?" I asked still eating.

"Well i used cabbage cause that's what they used and  its just like adding salad together but it appears different from normal salad you eat." He says.

"Hmm wow, so what will they eat with this?" I asked and he shrugged. "Well, white rice or just as normal as you are eating right now" he says, i didn't know that i had finished it before drinking some water. "Lets introduce this to our menu, where do you learn it.?"

"I was interested after watching a kdrama business proposal, like Minwoo the female lead best friend is a chef and also the main lead knows how to cook and i feel like we were similar just that we are in different countries."

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