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"Summayyah are you okay, why did you call me here?" Luqman inquires, I gave him a slight nod before speaking. "I've not seen mama for a while now and if I go home, I'm afraid of what dad will do!" I whined, I know his the only one I can count on most of the time.

He has always been there for me, he always shoulders me to cry on and I feel comfortable around him, "what happened to you?" He questions with a strong face.


"You weren't like this before, did he do you something, does he deprive you of anything. Tell me!" I could tell he was fuming in range and with the condition Khalil is, he will be dead when they are to fight because of me.

"No, he doesn't, I'm trying my best just as you have told me, but I want to write my bar exams"

"What?" He chocked his own saliva

"That's the main reason I called you, I want to get my licence as a lawyer and work as one, "

"Why? didn't you have it before?" he asked leaning back on the chair.

"Father disapproved it" I answered, I heard him groans in annoyance before sitting upright and leaning towards me. "don't worry, I will see a way if I can, do you have to keep crying like a baby!" He teased wiping my tears and holding my hands into his. "Ya mama da Ahmad!" (How is mum and Ahmad)

"Is now you want to ask of them? They are fine just as you left them, she wants to see you fah, when will you pay us a visit?" He teased, he knows for sure that even if I wanted to come I would right from work but now that I would have to ask him if I am to go or not, rather they gave birth to me, I won't have some time away from them. If I wasn't born will they ever think of marry us?

Luqman clicks his finger at my face. "mrs over thinker, what are you thinking about?" He asked wondering around the hall.

"The place is nice isn't it, it's a wedding taking place tomorrow!" I told him and all he did was nod with amazement to the beauty of the restaurant. "It's very beautiful!" He compliment and I felt my head trying to grow big feeling like a pro.

"Don't feel yourself though!" He teased and we starts to laugh, he always find something to make me laugh even during hard time, I really love him so much enough to be my older brother and a father.

Kahlil's POV

"Mr Abdulahi, have anything to spill out, you've been promoted that is" I mentions but he says nothing just took few steps to my desk. The sight of him kills me that I don't want to see his presence.

"I presume this is our first encounter one on one, your father was a great man and.."

"... Are we going to talk about that now, he is a good man right thanks but are you? You don't think I will eventually work with you by having me marry your daughter!" I spill out in anger, his sudden smile faded.

"Excuse me!"

*Sigh* "make sure you watch the boards of Goods coming in and out, I will speak to manager Harry he knows how well to show you much of your work, if you will excuse me" I says standing up and rounding off.

"I will see you around" he bids but I had nothing to say but left right away, my head was hurting me and I felt feverish, I know she won't be at home so I went to see my mum instead, I know she misses me alot.

"Oh ga yaro na! (Oh see my son)!" She cheered, honored to see me like she doesn't see me time to time, "ya Ka ke, ya matar!" How are you and the wife) she asked, I felt a sudden petulant running with in me but I had to hide it from mother, "she is fine"

"She's really trying, look at you all fleshy, she's the only one I trust that can treat you right Khalil, I hope you see that. I know that you are lying to me!"

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