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Khalil POV

Waking up to pray subhi, (morning prayers)I found her already prostrating in her Dua, at frist I was scared thinking it was some evil spirit, yeah I forgot to have prayed over her head last night.

What must have come over me.

I noticed she wasn't on the bed and she didn't switch on the light but just the lantern.

"You prayed without waking me?" I uttered angrily as she round off her prayer she turns to me. "I did, but you didn't wake up either, " she says.

Is she trying to say that I sleep deeply, is that it?

I Frustratedly sat up and switch on the light not caring if she wants it or not and went to perform Ablution, as I came out she has returned to bed cuddling so close, she must be really cold but I won't off it.

She had set the place for me and I went on to pray subhi then decide to return to bed just like her.

But I had a second though about it, I walk over to where she lays, and slowly placed my hand on her head, after contemplating but when her eyes opened she stared at me closely with the.

What's this dude doing?

I ignore and silently whispered the supplication before heading back to the sofa.

I kept turning around uncomfortably and the sleep wasn't coming either, my back, neck and body hurts beause of how uncomfortable this sofa is. I should have just allowed her to sleep there and who cares if she's hurt.

Wanting to check the time close by without having to check the wall clock, I could not feel my phone around me. I couldn't even remember where I dropped it. So I went checking silently around the room maybe i dropped it somewhere last night.

I found it placed on the bedside drawer directly to where her head was, I must have dropped it there, on reaching to it, there were many inbox messages from the company, khadija, nabila, all wishing me the best still teasing me like always.

A little chuckle escaped my lip when I came across Isa's message, 'dan banza ko gayamun Albarka ne! (Idiot even telling me is a blessing!) He has always been one of my tight friend back at our old street but we keep in touch not like before. Time does change you forget you even have peoole like that.

Maybe I'll pay him a visit. I really need this two weeks break and leave everytging to Arif and Fiasal, but come to think of her father's wish. My eyes flickers on hers as I watch her yawn and turning over to the other side of the bed, wrapping inside the duvet yet it wasn't enough for her.

The remote must be inside the drawer so i picked it out and switched it off, to my sudden surprise she has this little smile of comfort and her head was twisted inbetwwen the two pillows.

"Is this how she sleeps like baby?" I mutters trying to adjust her even though I tried my best not to touch I ended up touching her light cinnamon soft skin, she sinks into the duvet the more and couldn't help to admire how cute she looks while sleeping.

My phone suddenly started to ring which startled me and I almost woke her up, but I immediately backed off right away, checking the ID no one other than dad will call.

"How baba, inna kwana!" (Good morning) I greets.

"Lafiya yaro na, ya ka ke?" (Fine my boy, how are you?) He asked.

"I'm fine Alhamdulilah (we thank God)

"And your wife, how is she?" He asked, I went numb, his asking of her what did he expect me to say but as she sleeps she's nothing but fine. "She's fine!" I answered with hesitation.

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