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Dear readers, I'm re publishing this chapter, for some reason i dunno why Watt pad unpublished it when i was offline. Don't get offended.
I hope you enjoy it.


"WHAT!!!!" Arif Yells out in shock to my ear. What's with him? I could not be less shocked than he is. "That's awful, why would they do such to you?" He hissed, sitting and crossing his leg on his couch.

I lean on the couch as the cold AC flowing into my spine at least leaving the house for a while will cool me down. "I don't know but father keeps saying it's best for me! Why won't they not let me do what I want for once" I scoff.

"Hey drink this" I felt a cold bottle of water on my face, glancing up, I met Arif standing before me and placing the bottle on my face. He must have taken it from the tray he had just offered me.

I smiled and sat up, collecting the bottle from him as I drank up in a cup and then there was also this chill in me. If this chill was left forever I won't be so weak to be a man in this world.

"You are really fragile Khalil, you have slimed so much?"

"Arif, the workload is enough to make me lean"

"Tell me what Baba said, tell me in detail!"

I explained everything to him and met him to go silent again. "Is it Aisha?" He asked.

"No, I dunno, but it won't pass his colleague's daughter."

Cause I feel that's what arranged marriage is all about.

"Arrange marriage, why?"

I shrug and lean back. "I have no idea walahi (I swear)" he could only nod like he has nothing to say and just then Faisal entered with salam battling to take off his shoe.

"Will you ever not rush things in your life?" Arif yells from where he sits.

"Kai, Arif ka chika magana (oh, Arif you talk a lot)" Faisal said as he rushed into the sitting room.

He stopped in track when he saw  me but then his shocked expression was replaced with a grin, "Khalil so you are here?" He giggled as we shook hands, reaching to Arif and snatching the bottle in it. "Fa..."

"Haha so watcha talking about?" He asked, sitting down on the couch and surpassed a loud stressing sigh.

"Khalil is getting married..." Arif announced to him, with his eyes closed in annoyance.

He quickly spat on the carpet. "Jeez Faisal!" Arif yells.

He stared at me then scoffed. "So it's really true huh?" He leaned back and dropped the bottle on the table.

He knew?

But how?

"So who is it? It must not be Aisha right?" He asked. I know Aisha to be like our fourth best friend but the feelings I have for her are less that one she has for me. Marrying her is the last thing I would do because I don't think we make a perfect couple.

She's Faisal's cousin so he always delivers her message to me but now, what?

"Yeah, I wonder what she's facing now?" He thought out loud. "You didn't decline?" He asked.

"Are you insane, it's his father c'mon!" Arif slapped his arm.

"I know but at least you can attempt to decline, isn't that right?" He added before standing up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"You look so sick, we're going for a toast! Arif will drive, "he said.

"Kai Dan banza, (you fool) I'm not driving!"

"Come on Khalil, there is a cool place to chill out, hurry" he rushed to take my hand as I stood up.

"We'd be using your car whether you like it or not, Arif!"

Arif went mute, the anger in him was almost showing off, they've always been these crazy people. Faisal looks for his troubles a lot and Arif always gets defeated and later he goes and does it.

Haha I like them alot.

"Khaliluuuuu!" Someone hugs me from behind at the park and no one other than Aisha calls me that.

I turned behind and met her grinning widely like a little kid. "Hug from behind Aisha?" Faisal question.

"What? How are you?" She asked me.

"I'm fine, just recovering"

"Recovering, ka che migraine innan ne koh? (Tell me it the migraine?)"

I nodded.

We discussed old times when Faisal was such a baby and always cried since we were little and we thought he'd be the first to marry and now it's me. I know Aisha must have heard about it and won't want to tell anyone but she's trying so hard to hold it deep down.

This is so bad, but that's life. I can't deny my father's wish. Maybe because I'm dying sooner or later, who knows.

I doubt if I'd ever like her, oh ya Allah, this test is so hard, put us in the right path.

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