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It was strange to see him smile at me, but whatever is running in that head of his, I'm not falling for it. Not now not ever.

I stood in front of the door for about 5 minutes thinking about how I'll get in. I don't know what father will say or do, but as i breathes in and out, I knocked and it was immediately opened by Laure.

"Yaya Summayyah!" She laughs, pulling me into a tight hug as Binta runs out. I did saw them yesterday but everyone was all gloomy. They always see me as that big sister yet Binta and Abdul never gets along.

"Ya Ku ke?" (How are you guys?) I greeted walking in as Binta shuts the door, they led me to the sitting room and had me seated while i was served with drinks and chilled water. "Kai, (hey) like I'm some kind of a guests!"

Binta chuckles. "Its been like a year since after your wedding, now the color will change!" She says.

"Hump, color change? Inna mama? (Where Is mama) what did the doctor say?"

"Hey BP raised because of lack of sleep and worries, many times she asked to see you but baba won't allow, I don't know why his doing this!" Laure explained.

Lack of sleep! Worries?

"Where is she? Ta tashi? (Has she woken up?) I asked immediately standing up. But they both shook their heads slowly. "She hasn't the last time we checked but i dunno...."

Before Binta was done speaking, I dash up to her room while they follow me behind, I met her still lying down on bed and the room temprature was cool, by just the sight of her, I broke down yet even though Binta and Laure tried to stop me from taking steps closer I didn't care. She's not going to die not like this, not after  Father has not found his wrong doings.

By the time I reached to her, there was a note on the table which caught my eyes, as i reached for it and unfolded to read. "When you wake up, your food is ready and your drugs, please take care!" For a moment I thought Abdul was the person who worte it cause the handwriting was familar but then, I saw fathers signature in it.

"Where is baba?" I quickly asked.

"He went to work!" Laure answered.

New and fresh tears starts to roll down my cheeks, I knew how much father loves my mum but she still keeps up to his anger issue, I don't even know how much he has done to us, but the thought of having mum healthy makes me love him the more, no matter how I despise him.

He is still my father.

"S...summayyah, ke ce?" (Summayyah is that you?) She calls and I quickly reached for her hand, there was a wide grin on her face which signifies how happy she is to see me, so do I.

"Ni ce mama" (its me mama!) I replied trying to sniff in my tears.


I drove my car to the street where I'm sure i saw his car driving off and kept wondering which is the house, Faisal never mention to me the color of his house or how it looks like. He just want me to stay out of his way which is very impossible right now.

I saw an elderly looking man coming out of a small zinc house which with no doubt his the gatekeeper, i quickly whined down my glass  and waves at him to come closer.

"Inna wuni baba!" (Good morning baba)

"Inna wuni, ya aiki!" (Good morning, how is work?) He greets. "Fine, dama inna tambayan wanni gida, sabbon aure ne su,  kuma ban san gidan ba" (I'm asking for a house, they are newly wedded couples and i don't know the house) I explained to him.

"Ammah, kin yi waya dasu? (Did you call them?) He asked.

"Sun fita, amma sunnan su, Khalil da Summayyah!" (They are out, their names are Khalil and Summayyah) I mentioned. I watch him nodded in realization as he points out to an angle 90. "Na san su, su na ta coner din chan, gidan panti fari da ash ne" (I know them, they are by that corner, the house is white and ash in paint.) He directed me. I bought out 5 thousand naira and handes it over to him.

"Nagode!" (Thank you) I appreciatetes before driving to the direction given, the gate where locked and no one seem to be inside, I also thought that it was a wrong direction but i kept knocking until a young dark skined fulani girl rushes to open the door.

"Inna wuni!" She greeted immediately.

"Lafiya, inna mutan gidan? (Fine, where are the house members?) I asked making my way in as she follows me behind.

I was amazed by the beauty of this house, how its all english decorations and the night mood, the cool sensation and the scent.

The maid got me some chilled water and a drink, telling me that if i came to see Summayyah that she had went out to see her sick mother but i cuts her shut. "... What if i came to see Khalil?" I question and she jerks back confused.

I pour the water to the glass cup and took a sip. "How long has he been out?" I inquires.

"An hour ago!" She answered smartly. I was amazed by her sudden courage but all will way out when she get what she want, she looks so stinky to be this smart to me. "How old are you?"

"I am 15 years old!" She answered without wavering. I only nod to the little girl who has so much courage. "I have one task i want you to do for me..." I started standing to my feet and walking towards the door she stood, she didn't flinch when I had our gaps closed but she moves her face when mine was reaching to hers.

"Will you do it?" I whispered.

"I don't know you and I shouldn't have let you in, Aunty will be...." I quickly grabs her chin with my fingers and have her cheeks pressed together, her eyes was now filled with fear. "Let me speak girl, I know you don't know me but ddon'tont let me venge my anger of not having to own this house but a whore like your aunty, my one request i have for you is to watch their every movement and report to me, thank Goodness I have you than hiring someone to do it for me, but when you let them catch you, I know you have familes out there which you cherish, I will have them rot because of your disobedience. Understood?" I warns and she nodded fearful.

"Hmpt!" I let go of her cheeks which had some of my nails pierced into her skin but good thing, she's dark, it won't show. I picked up my bag and headed to the door. "You take the money and do my job or you face the consequences!" And with that I was out of her sight.

Summayyah will have to come bow to me to spare just one thing for her, this is just the beginning besides what can money not do?

Is Aisha testing Summayyah or she's playing tricks on her. I doubt summayyah will ever fall for one, I never knew people would go this far, I mean woah.

Get to know more soon, stay updated.

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