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"So, what are we going to discuss about?" I asked seated around the round table while Arif sat beside me and opposite us was a man with dark chocolate skin, well dressed on his milk caftan and seated beside Faisal.

He looks not bad to me after all. But...

"What happened to peter jones?" I inquires, out of curiosity, because i expected our next meeting with him today and not with the unfamiliar man.

"Oh, sorry, he had some other business to deal with in Kebbi, the fish stock industry had call him over and he won't be attending the conference, it will be a maybe not or maybe." He spoke, i was taken abackbas how polite and smart he spoke, which got me nodding my head continuously.

I like him.

"So, what's the deal?" Arif asked fliping through the files given by the man before he passes it to me.

I read through, but something got my eyes....

"The collabo shares?" I quickly point out, glancing back at man before flipping the files one more. "What does that mean?" I added.

"It mean that we would negotiate on the bills due to the contract, at then its either to approve or decline and we here by know that we work with due time and we would create enough for your products but yet the decison is yours sir."

Arif quickly whispers to my ear. "Isn't it a bit early."

"I'll speak to the boards, but before that, is there any of your works you would like to show me?" I asked directly at the man that i don't know him name and im offended that he didn't introduce himself.

"Yes sir... In this tab..." He passes me the tablet. "There are machine we created with the help of the US facilities, i know that we nigeria don't have much of the skills to acquire that, but there are the blending machine of stones and that of the special stones. We have the smelting, the brickmaker and also the cement"

"Is this perhaps the idea of Dan gote?" Faisal asked

"Yes, he's cement are really beautiful for building and they are strong so we made him one!"

"Hmm, this is rather interesting of your company? Where did you study?" I asked.

"University of Abuja, glass tech" he answered immediately and if not that he mentioned, I'd swear that he studied abroad.

"Wow, that was a hell struggle isn't it?" He nods with a giggle. "Well then, I enjoyed your little presentation and send my regards to Peter Jones, I will look into it before the conference!" I stood as they all followed before we shook hands.

"See you at the conference" he bids, just when he takes his steps away from the group i called back on him.  "I didn't catch your name!"

"Oh, so sorry, its Faruq.. Faruq Abdulhameed" and with the final grin, he was off. I don't know how but i feel working with him will be a good idea. "He is smart!" Came Faisal.

I nod. "Yup, no doubt, yet not as smart as Summayyah" I whisper at my last sentence but they were like Vampires they heard me.

"Wait, what did you just say?" Faisal rushed over and placingbhisnears to my mouth. "I said piss off!!!" I yell which he stunts.

"Don't tell us, she's working with you, did you force her?" Arif came blurting.

All i could think of was how smart she was last night which made me chuckle.

"What! Why you chuckling dan Banza! (You idiot) Faisal insulted eyeing me with the side of his eye.

"Well,..." I starts to head to the car.

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