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Song for this Chapter:  Jennifer Lopez, (love of my life).....


Blinking and inhaling my breathing, i slowly opened my eyes but had to squint because of the rays of the setting sun and the brightness.

Adjusting my position, i found myself on the bed and there was a drip hanging over for me. On the bed side drawer there was a stainless tray and some drugs and injection in it.

"She will be better when she wakes up!" I heard a man say, standing at the corridor of the room with Khalil, he must be the doctor.

Jeez! Summayyah what did you do, now you're being examined.

I sighed falling back on the pillow and staring at the ceiling trying to recall what ever happened before now. And i recalled that i blacked out on him, I've disgraced myself.

I'm so pathetic...

"Are you alright?" Khalil comes closer sitting next to me on the bed as my eyes averted from the ceiling to him. He has this worried expression marrying his face and if for real i see that kind of face, i feel like i am dying.

"I'm going to die?" I questioned sarcastically.

He furrowed his brow, confused at my words. "I'm fine, the doctors says so didn't he? I just stressed myself that's it" i answered staring back at the ceiling.

"That's a relief!" He smiles.

My eyes popped but managed to not look at him anymore. Why is he smiling at me? he must be crazy or... "Do you take your drugs?" I quickly asked.

"Why? I did!"

I nodded. "I'm just curious... where are the kids, jeez I blacked out in their presence they must be worried!" I pout.

"They are fine, i wanted to take them home but i know that you are just having some fever, so they are still there watching" he says.

"Hmm, i couldn't spend time with them by the way what did the doctor say?" I asked out of curiosity.

"He said you are having fever and that you should rest and take some drugs..." He reports, pointing at the tray but i felt irritated that i didn't want to look by squinting my eyes.

I hate drugs, especially the smell.

"I see!" I managed to sit up and pick the cup of water but he quickly reached for it before i did and then passed to me.

I gave him a slight smile, before drinking up slowly, when i almost finished it he collected and drops it. He wanted to make me lay down but i stopped him.

He's just being weird.

When did he start to care?

What about all those days i used to have cramps yet still manage to go to work and still sleep and act normal.

"Where are you going?" He asked when i walked towards the door. "The doctor said you should rest in bed and..."

"... I've woken up, its pass asr and you still want me laying down? I'm fine i remembered telling you that if i rest i will be fine before blacking out, i need to see those kids and why do you even care? You are just pretending..." And with that i widened the door making my way out.

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