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I met Faruq two years back when I was on my project in the university of abuja, we got along quite fast with his friends and my friends too.

At first the feeling I had for him was so normal and didn't feel like dating him because after my first year boyfriend replaced me, I felt used and tried so hard not to get into any till I got a better one.

But then, Faruq came and was such a pest around me, it was cute how he said to everyone that i was his girlfriend but at the end I became his and we were so close that, seeing me in a bad mood was like his fault.

He has always been there for me but now, all the pain and love we share returns as friends if that word will still exist between us.

I would be married off to him..... well, he would have to become the engineer he wants to become.

I wonder what's wrong with him but father just hates him. All he wants is property.

I will make him pay his bills one day. And will regret it. I hope Abdul doesn't have to go through this as a man just like the son of Asraf. I somehow pity how he would be forced and he doesn't act upon it.


I had gotten home after dropping Amal my younger sister at school who is yet to start her final exams in the university, my head was hurting me badly and I woke up with little fever but not wanting mama to be worried so after dropping Amal i went to check out today's office routine which faisal my best buddy told me there was a meeting coming up.

I stayed for like 2-3 hours before heading home and straight to my room, had a quick bath, prayed zuhr and decided to take a nap to at least cool my head.

Almost going deep into my nap, I heard a knock on the door and it opened then closed. "Abba" my mum called as she sat beside me.

"Mama" I called in a whisper.

"Mai ya faru? (What happened)" she asked bitterly, placing her hand on my forehead and then she flinched immediately taking her hands away.

My temperature must be high by now.

"Ya Allah, you are boiling, have you eaten?" She starts to panic.

I could only shake my head negatively because the rate at which my head hurts, I feel I should cut out my head and wash my brain.

Then put it back...

"I'm coming" she says before leaving and not long after she returns with a tray of food. "Tashi ka chi abinci (sit up and eat)" 

I managed to sit up, dropping my legs on my carpet. It was fried rice and ram meat with some salad in a bowl and the chilled fanta and water, so I went for water knowing too well that other me will miss fanta today.

I ate about four spoons, I started feeling so dizzy that I almost threw up so I gave up. "Is that enough?" She asked.

I nodded after taking two piles of paracetamol, I wanted to lay back but she quickly held me. "You just finished eating"

"I'll just rest my head." So I moved away and placed my head on the pillow just then the door opened and closed back.

"Khalil?" My father calls. "What happened?'

"Ba ya jin da din jikin sa. Kan sa na chiwo (his not feeling too well, his having a headache)" mum said to him.

"Kai kuma? Ya sha magani? (Head? Has he taken drugs?) He asked.

"Yeah I gave him, is something wrong?" Mama asked.

"Dama, (I just) came to tell him about his wedding" my heart hardened as my eyes met my mum's shocking expression.

"Mai gida haba! (Honey why!) 

"You see how ill he is, I can't watch my only son go through all this, he should marry and his wife can always be by his side" he said. 

"But..." My mum tried to speak.

"No buts, sannu khalil (sorry khalil) but I have to do this" and I heard his steps out. I can't hold the tears falling to my ears. Marriage is scary to the one you do not know or love, this is going to really cause my death in this fragile state.

"Abba, bari inyi mishi magana (let me talk to him Abba)" she rushed out.

"Mai gida, don't do this to your only son" my mum pleaded like she was trying hard not to cry.

"I have no other choice, I love him more than you can imagine, his too fragile"

His right.

"But he has someone he loves" 

"Aisha? She is not going to take care of him as good as you do"

"Then how do you know, the girl you choose for him will be better off?" She yelled at him, but I didn't hear him say a word.

"Her father raised her well" came from his mouth. And was he trying to insult Aisha, I know her to be clumsy but she's a good person.

I heard his steps fade from the passage leaving mother standing there and with the state i am in, I can't oppose, it will just make things worse. Maybe I should take a nap for a while.

My phone started to ring which woke me from sleep, I picked it sluggishly under my pillow and checked the caller ID. "Hello"

"Khalilu yane? (How far)" came Faisal's voice from the end.

"See how you woke me up from my sleep" I groaned trying to sit up but felt less headache unlike before. 


"Ah, do you know what the time is?" He sparts. He's so over dramatic for a guy.

"Faisal, what do you want?" I asked, as cold as ever.

"Our Khalil the boss, well... The building contract has dropped" he says. My heart paced as I quickly sat up. "What? How come?"

"I don't know, but don't worry, I will see what I must" he says.


"Now get up and do something!" He didn't let me reply and he cut the call.

Shit! He is just an airhead.

I let out a stressing sigh before heading to the bathroom and washed off the sleep on my face.

Amal had already returned when I came down the stairs, mama must have told the driver to go pick her up and think about that. Where is mum?

I look around.


"Yaya, ya jikin? (How is the body, big brother) I wanted to go up to your room but mama said you were asleep" she says.

"Oh I'm fine now. I will be going out for a little while"

"Why? you're not feeling well!" She opposed it.

"I know, it's important kin ji koh" so I took the car keys and left, heading to my friend's house, Arif.

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