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"What the hell, are you insane?" she yells, eying me.

"What do you expect, I can't stay like this, this is torture" I cried.

"Shhhs, Summy, it's already OK, I will see what I can do so it doesn't work out and also if it works out. You have to admit the fate." She says, placing her hand on my shoulder.

I shoved it off. "Fuck faith" and decide to starts my car, "I would be going" I motioned to her to get down. It was rude of me but how will she just say it faith so freely.

She got down without a word, staring at me as I reversed and then started to drive away. I still watched her from the mirror standing behind me but my tears weren't easy to stop.

On getting home, I freshen up and tried so hard to lighten my dead face and ditched dinner in my room. I lied to mama that I had cramps and won't be able to walk out for dinner so she sent my food to my room.

Just when I was about to eat the food served, my phone started ringing and Faruq's name popped up.

My heart hardened as I picked.

"Hello cupcake" he greets the moment I picked and I felt my heart go ice cold.

How am I going to tell him?

I miss everything about him. It's unfortunate that the news of me getting married was brought up last week and we hardly see each other this week.

"Babe, how are you?"

"I'm fine fah, just very tired wlhi, how is your business going?" He asked.

"It's going pretty good, you should probably rest, you have saved enough"

"Oh no, I have to save more to make you an elegant wife" he exaggerated and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You sure talk a lot."

"Or you think I'm lying hmm?"

"Oh no, why would I, just take care okay."

"I will cupcake, goodnight koh...."

"Faruq wait...."

There was silence on the line and I could tell he was surprised that i called his name for the first time since we started dating. "That's odd," he says.

I wanted to tell him everything and beg him for us to run away but i couldn't help it. The tears that made it way down my cheeks had me second thought about it.

"Goodnight okay" I muttered before ending the call. The food that had just arrived a minute ago felt so off to me that I could even eat it again.

At all.

Saturday morning, a weekend and baba will be around so i decided to just stay in my room cause seeing him now will give me an attack.

A knock came by the door and it opened.

"Yaya! Baba na kira (big sis, dad calls)" Abdul says.

"What again" I pouted, standing up and wearing my hijab.

"He might as such talk about that wedding shits" he hissed.

Dad has really pushed us enough to dislike him as our father, I only tried to hold Abdul to not challenge father and he is also against my marriage but what's the plan now.

I don't know.

"Baba ina kwana, (Good morning dad)" I greets.

"Ya ki ki, (how are you?) Did you sleep well?" I nods

How on earth can I sleep well.

"I just spoke to Mr Omar Asraf about the wedding planning and it will be from now to two months, I want you to be prepared and not do anything stupid, understood." He mentions.

Marrying The Son Of AsrafWhere stories live. Discover now