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I had just finished my physics practical and was heading to class when Khlaifa my very tight friend calls on me. He stops opposite the road within the school compound and jogs over to me. "Abdul I haven't seen you since morning are you alright?" He inquires and all I did was nod at him.

But I am not fine, how on earth will I be find. Father is trying something behind both I and mother's back but to fulfil he has to take Summayyah out of the house.

I've not been able to get a hold of myself but what else can I do, staying and hanging around school feels much better than back home. I hate to even have him beside me.

I shut my eyes for a moment to actually meditate what's running into my head when his voice brought me back. "Are you alright?" I sent him a sly smile. "What do you think?"

"Ah well, I was just thinking, after class today we can both hang out with my girlfriend and her friend what do you think?" He suggested,

Oh, his girlfriend and her friend, does he even have one? Oh yeah he had told me a while back but I think I had amnesia. "Sorry bout that bro, sure it's okay by me!" I approved as we shook hands.

When he finally gets promoted, he tags me along, our finale exams is in a month now, I have to grade them to get into Nile university at Abuja.

I'll have to work hard to get the course I wanted, Medicine unlike Summayyah, who has to drop her law degree because father doesn't approve it, he says it's not a woman's duty to have such ambition.

She really is keeping up.

"Abdul you've been spacing out, lafiya kuwa?" (Is everything alright?) He nudge me, we have gotten to seat at the school cafeteria with Hajara and her friend khadija. 

"when is the wedding invitation?" He teased, drinking up my nutri milk before my gazed dropped on Hajara, she quickly bows into her snack, embrassed.

"Ya Allah, Abdul your such a jerk!" Khalifa insulted. "Ae gaskiya ya fada, (he spoke the truth) the way you two link to eachother is so amazing!" Her friend khadija spoke, they spend time talking and teasing the two lovers about how they'd design their wedding day and make sure there's enough food.

"Kar Ka damu, ni zinyi usher!" (Don't worry, I'll be the usher)" khadija winx at me mouthfull as Hajara nudge her.

There company was vibing that it lightened my mood, just when time was away from us and we all had to get back home, I sighted Faruq standing at the opposite of the road, away from the cafeteria, was he waiting for me.

I quickly checked my phone to see his call but there was none, not even a message. How did he even know I was here?

"Guys, I'll catch up with you later or I head home" I quickly bid them and hurried to Faruq.

"Faruq?" I called immediately reaching him, but he was.... different from the last time I saw him, he was looking pale and depressed.

Must be because of my sister.

"Is something wrong, you look pale?" I asked.

"Lafiya Abdul, just some good and bad news?" He said.

"What news are they?"

"I got an engineering work but I would be living Abuja to Kebbi" he says, at first i was excited for him but then him leaving. "Is that where you got the work?"

He shook his head. "No, I can't move on, right after your father chased me away from Summayyah's life i became so hopeless, I mean wasn't our relationship worth fighting for?"

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