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"Did you find anything?" I asked over the phone as i make my way into the sahad store.

"No ma'am, it was really hard but I've found a hint which leads to an orphanage" the caller mentions as i took a sudden halt.

An orphanage?

"Do as much as possible to check it out!" I gave my last ordered before the call ended.

Why would it lead to an orphanage?

There must be more to this huh?

A wide grim marries my face as i made my way. "Awesome, i can get what i want!" I mutters.

"Are you done Aisha?" Faisal voice echo's and i felt like spanking him. "Do you have to yell, we are not at home for God sake!" I warned hissing away.

He's so annoying.

"Im already there, i don't know what Munipha wants? Maybe you should ask her!" I spoke to mum over the phone, i don't know why i had to play the games with them and ended up being the one come to sahad and get then everything they want.

Well not that its my cash.

Dad sure will be debited alot.

"She says she wants that bucket vanilla Ice cream!" Mum says.

I gasped. "Bucket Vanilla Ice cream! mama that is way too much for a five years old kid!"

"She won't finish it in a whole day and besides she won't be the only one taking it for God sake, now hurry up before the qeu gets longer Halima!" Before i could say a word, she ended the calls.

I let out a destressing sigh as I stared down at the thousand list on my hand, did they even pity father for thinking other wise?

"Ke Aisha hurry up and pick what ever you want, i won't be waiting for you!" A man grunts from the other side of the shelves.

"Get going, i can drive on my own!" She spats, the time i peeped, i didn't know if they were siblings or couples but they were really cute.

The next one the list was Munipha's bucket ice cream. That girl needs discipline i swear.

I went towards the freezer about to take the bucket ice cream, my keys slipped and falls to the grown.

Great now, I've started to work myself.

I bents over to pick it up, but was already picked by someone, glancing up at the stranger. It was a guy with a wide grin. I pull over.

Why is he grinning at me, isn't he couples with that lady. Damn men!!!!

"Here?" He passed me the keys.

"Oh thank you, sorry to bother you?" I apologised and quickly grabs my key and shoving the bucket ice cream into the trolley.

"Isn't that too much?" He questions behind me. It surprised me that he still had to speak of care to me.

I spin over. "Well... It is, that's why its called a family size! Thank you and have a great day!" I pushed my trolley and made my way to the other items.

"Im done Faisal we should go!' The girl calls to him and i didn't dare to turn. He might be good looking and positive but Uzayfa and Mu'az are giving me a hard time to move on.

*sigh, so is life*

My phone begins to rings, popping up  Summayyah's name. I know i left her in worries by my text but really i don't know what i need to do anymore.

I've been served two breakfast quiet well.


"Halima, yakike! (How are you?) I was asking if you'd come over, Hanifa and Hadiza are here" she spoke.

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