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Two weeks had finally come around like a sun rays yet it went like a hundred years leaving locked up in the cage and then waiting for the god's of thrivey Hermes to come save me.

But, Allah SWT has seen me through to what I was passing, the honeymoon had passed, honeymoon inside house in one town, though we happen to go out for Ziyara. (Visit) the neighborhood and his relatives but now we are finally back to work, I've been waiting for this day all long.

It's like a month I haven't been stressed out of work and I missed that feeling of being hyper active and serious. I told my mum about the maiden but she said that I should do the work just as I am supposed to do, the cooking and serving then she can be my assistant.

Yup she is.

Sometimes, I feel women are just like servants not the servant girl, but servant that will have to sweep the foot of her husband just to get 10% of love from him, yet betray her by adding a new one. We so much do our best but never get the same treatment.

Jeez, what a world!

We don't have to be equal rather we don't have to always show our inequality, where ever you go now is always about women. If we hath never existed they'd live their boring lives.

I set him his breakfast, and the moment he came down. "Inna Kwana!" (Good morning) and he just nodded. He has warned me or seated me to always come down to eat, since that incident.

'i don't care and it's not a choice, you come down and eat on time, you won't have die on me'. He had spoken.

I chuckles out when his voice rang in my ears, our eyes suddenly met but I averted immediately sipping the green tea, she stared for a moment and sighs. "Why do I have to drink nescafe?" He questions.

right he loves green tea, and I'm drinking it.

"You're going to have to work the whole day, it will give you energy!" I answered.

"What happens to the Green tea to drink?" And I was quiet. "Great tea will only make you hungry!" I whispers the words but he didn't say a thing, when he was done eating, he picked his suit case and made it to the door without even a good bye.

What a husband!


Applause rings with in my ears and echos into the restaurant room by my workers and my favorite customers, I sight Ali within the mix of people, I'm sure he was the one who made up this gathering.

"Thank you so much!" I appreciated, sniffing in the tears that threatened to make it way, I got a lot of gift, flowers, materials, bags, shoes. They brighten my day after all the boredom in my wedding house, can't imagine.

"This are the payments for the 2 weeks you haven't come by?" Ali reported with the check book, I went through it, page by page until I came across a blank page.

"Why is there a blank space here?" I asked, he looks like he didn't get me so he moves closer to get a look.

"Oh, I think there was a day we were short of customers but everything is cleared now!" He answered.

It's still sound weird to me but I decided to not have thought over it for a while. I'll stick around and take care of the account myself for today or maybe I would find some error along the way.

Khalil POV

I left right after eating breakfast, talking to her wasn't a bad thing after all but having to make me drink nescafe and while she drinks my green tea.

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